If I took every single water molecule in this bowl and lined them all up end to end single file, how long would that line stretch? 100 meters, a mile, 10 miles? No, this many molecules of water placed end to end would stretch a light year and that fact is what inspired us to create the Light Year Bottle. Free yourself from the Yoke of three-dimensional space, don’t drink volume, drink length. How many light years of water can you suck? There’s other unusual amounts as well. For example, filled to here, the entire bottle weighs about as much as a warm human heart still beating in your hand.

Why would you want to know this kind of stuff? Well, because I know you and you don’t just live a life of action, you live a life of the Mind and you’re weird. This bottle and our die that only rolls one number are both coming in the same curiosity box later this year when it all arrives at your door. Your eyes will fall upon it and, by the way, this is the amount of water in two adult human eyes.