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The content is not formatted correctly Hey there, chat! It’s Henry here saying thanks for joining us this Thursday, May 11th for another Wisecrack Live. We’ll be with you in just a moment.

Hey what’s up everyone! Welcome to another edition of Wisecrack Live. It’s me, Michael Burns, producer Henry, and our new friend Alice Capel, one of my favorite people on YouTube (and I would say that even if she wasn’t here). We’re very excited to have you on here today. We’ll do a little intro housekeeping and then we’ll get into it.

As always, friends, thank you for being here and for checking out what’s going on in the channel. We have some fun stuff coming down the pipeline. I’ll talk about some of the new videos later. Henry, I’m doing a thing where I always forget what video came out this Monday. Do you remember? Was it the AI girlfriend or the work video? Oh, it was on workplace culture! Everyone, we made a video on workplace culture and how work is starting to feel like an adult daycare center. We used a little Foucault to talk about how you’re being biopolitically manipulated to serve your company. So if anyone works hates their jobs and feels stressed about stuff, check that video out.

We have some fun stuff coming out. We have a video on Adorno and fascism coming out soon. We’re gonna see if Adorno is right that everything is secretly fascist. So that’ll be fun. Watch that with your families and stream while you’re here. It helps us out. Patreon and all those sorts of things.

But let’s just dive right in today and hello to everyone in the chat. Thanks to all the members who are here. We really appreciate you. Thanks for those who are gifting memberships. That’s always a cool thing to do. We love a good gift economy.

But let’s get into it. Let’s talk with Alice. So Alice, thank you so much for being here, especially because it’s evening in Paris and you are based in Lille. Oh, way better at the moment. At the moment, I’m in Samalo which is like in Brittany. Sorry, this is an Airbnb. I don’t know it’s like that, so I’m just trying to arrange things nicely. I put a nice little lamp over there on like a kids.

I don’t know a lot about you Alice. All I know is stuff from watching your channel. Do I have this correctly that you were an academic researcher at one point?

It wasn’t academic researcher. I wish I was but unfortunately you don’t get paid a lot for that and there’s not a lot of positions for that in France. So it’s one of those job studies kind of look down upon and I’ve seen France but I know it’s the same thing worldwide. So I dropped academia after doing a master’s degree but it was like a research focused master’s degree. What field was that in?

It was in English studies. We did a bunch of literature, history. It was just a mix of everything but I really enjoyed it because like it allowed you to kind of touch on a little bit of everything. very um it was very very focused on the pension reform so it was not like a political movement like it was very focused on the pension reform so it was not like a political movement like it was very focused on the pension reform and it was very focused on the pension reform and it was very focused on the pension reform and it was very focused on the pension reform and it was very focused on the pension reform and it was very focused on the pension reform.

These people are babies and I couldn’t help but comment to that. There is a very American mindset sometimes that is like, “Why should other people have nice things because I haven’t had nice things?” This made me think of the discussion around student loan reform in America, where Biden was trying to forgive a certain amount of student loan money and many people were against it. It’s an internal focused idea where it’s like, “My life sucked so your life shouldn’t get to be good.” Despite the reform passing, what happened in the media and in the streets was very interesting, and the Overton winter kind of moved towards the left for a little bit. This allowed for discussions on why the rich should pay more, why super profits should be taxed, and the meaning of work.

In terms of the pension protests in France, it seems like people from both sides can agree on certain issues. This is unlike the student loan example in America, where even people on the right with student loan debt were against it. The protests were very similar to the yellow vest movement, with people from all over France, and people from various socioeconomic and political backgrounds. The protests were very focused on the pension reform and not a political movement, and it was interesting to see people from different backgrounds come together. ality have?

It’s very sad that someone experienced such a tragic loss. Sarah Cohen expressed her sympathy and mentioned that her VC fund has invested in technology that could help to reduce 86% of car accidents and the resulting injuries and deaths. Everyone is focused on the numbers and the potential of the technology, but it’s important to remember that morality cannot be quantified in Alpha points. We should take time to appreciate the people in our lives and be intentional with our words and actions. The percentage of people who say that nuclear power is safe is going down every year and is at 47%. In 2011, the Fukushima nuclear disaster occurred and this had a psychological effect on people. To separate the risk of accidents from the safety of an energy source, we need to look at the deaths per unit of electricity production. Solar, nuclear, wind, and hydropower have a low number of deaths per unit of electricity production.

To further illustrate the effects of energy sources on humans, a hypothetical town called Euroville was created. Euroville has 150,000 people and uses one terawatt hour of electricity per year. If Euroville was powered by coal for one year, 25 people would die, and if powered by oil, 18 people would die. It is understandable to focus on how scary nuclear power is, but if we really cared about human lives, we should be paying more attention to how many people fossil fuels kill and trying to replace them with wind, nuclear, solar, or hydropower as soon as possible. This is before we get to climate change, and it’s not just the carbon ramifications, it’s the accidents that are inherently scary, in the same way that a plane crash is. We should also be aware of the risks of radiation, as exposure to enough of it can make people very sick. ises

It’s one of those things where we know it’s gonna be different, you know they’re setting us up. Monica Rambo, so I’m gonna go here, I’m gonna go here, did I do them all? So what I’m seeing from your guesses are you are aware that we get radiation from all kinds of stuff from flying, from chest x-rays, from chest CT scans, all of that, but you have an impression that if you live next to a nuclear power plant or if you work in a nuclear power plant you’re like just get to it she’s gonna flip it, yeah she’s gonna flip it on him crazy, you’re gonna get cancer, but like you’re getting a little bit more radiation than if you’re just like living way far away right.

Here are the real answers: So a couple things make total sense, the annual amount received by a worker in a nuclear power plant is lower than the maximum annual dose, yeah we get that, but a typical dose from living within a few kilometers of an operating nuclear power plant for one year is less than a typical chest x-ray, way less than a typical chest CT scan and less than a flight from New York to Tokyo. Wow, living next to for a year, you’re living next to it for an entire year and in one life.

Hey Allie Cattails that was really nice, Ali says biggest compliment in order to give you guys. Why scratch gives me hope for Humanity, next time I’m gonna put that in all caps guys, that’s very nice and I will say that too. There’s times where I like go in other Chats on a different stream or see certain comments I’m just like why are all these ghouls here because you guys are not Ghouls and even sometimes those of you who are a little bit annoying you’re annoying in a way that I find Charming or at least I find earnestly annoying and not trolley so really really appreciate that.

A 10 hour flight you are getting more radiation exposure, a lot more, and also this one is super, the average total dose from natural background radiation, this is what all of us are getting no matter what from living on Earth in our particular solar system that is significant, oh sure, than that’s just because of of reality living next to a nuclear power plant, work.

Okay guys, if you want to finish this video on your own you can, we’re gonna stop the stream because it’s 1 p.m Pacific time. If you’ve not liked the streaming yet please do that now. If you have any what areas you want to share things you’re excited to recommend with your friends because we’re all friends throw those in the chat as always.

Just remember watch the videos on this channel when they come out, leave some little commies commies comments. You leave comedy comments, leave communist comments on all of our videos and then yes I want we have a video coming out tomorrow. I want Vladimir Lenin quotes left and right in the comments, maybe do that I don’t know, um and just remember you know check out our patreon and most importantly uh if you got here late go back and watch the interview without about it was really fun really great to have her on here um and please please please please please um follow her subscribe to her Channel all that sort of stuff and yeah maybe you’ll try a thing at one point.

We’re on a Thursday, I just keep streaming and just do the rest of my work day while stream is going and we’ll see how fun that is um but also you can if you don’t leave Kami comments um you know you can leave Thomas Jefferson quotes. So in tomorrow’s video I I want to see Vladimir Ilyich Lenin quotes or Thomas Jefferson quotes, but you have to weave them into a genuine response to the video. Don’t just drop a Lennon or a Jefferson quote, be like oh interesting argument in this video it kind of makes me think of when Jefferson said blank or you know according to Vladimir Ilitch uh delcard.

Thank you so much and we’ll check that out um that wisecrack guy spamming links kick him out kick wisecrack out of this [ __ ] chat. Okay guys we’re gonna wrap up here, thank you so much really appreciate it, see you next week, hugs and kisses consensual hugs and kisses.