Welcome everyone to Wisecrack Live! It’s Friday, April 14th and we have a special edition for you. A special shoutout to Nelson, who has already gifted memberships in the chat. We love that! I’m here with Henry, and last week we were walking along the shores of Lake Michigan in Chicago.

Someone asked if we’re going to defend wokism again, and the answer is no. We don’t need to since Gerard has done an amazing job of explaining it over the past three years.

We have new gear for this stream, and we’ll be playing with the lights and doing different stuff over time. It’s better than it used to be, so we can grow from there.

We have a few announcements for our next stream. We will be celebrating 4/20, and we’re trying to figure out what YouTube will allow. We have a couple ideas, but we’re not sure yet.

Thanks for being here, and we have a lot to talk about since America seems to be falling apart more than usual.

We hope you enjoy the stream! ## America Woke, Broke, or Joke? Today, we’ll be discussing the title of today’s show: America Woke, Broke, or Joke? We’ll start off with a fun little clip from MSNBC about Missouri’s law on marrying 12 year olds. We’ll also be discussing psychedelic drugs and the internet, sponsored by our friends at Schedule 35. Heads up if you haven’t watched it yet!

We also have a few other topics to discuss, like the Danda Academy and how insane it has gotten, and the Dalai Lama story. Michael brought up edible beer from Lagunitas too!

At the end of the show, we’ll also be trying to get to the aerosol topic. So lots to talk about today! That deal still stands so if you want to use code wisecrack over at Schedule35.co you can, and they have a lot of new fun stuff including new flavors of chocolates.

What is Schedule35? They sell products with psilocybin. You might be thinking, “You mean like mushrooms? You mean like drugs kind of?” Okay, but they’re really cool company we’ve worked directly with them. I’ve gotten to know and chat with the guy who runs the company, and they’re very solid and very discreet. So you can just order stuff from them and it feels crazy, especially for me as an aging millennial.

The thought that I could go on a nice looking website and purchase some products with psilocybin in them feels insane, but you can do it if you’re in America or Canada. I don’t think they’re offering stuff outside that right now, but they have some very cool new products. Their stuff works well, and some of you in the chat might have used them, so you can let us know what your experience has been like.

If you go to Schedule35.co and use the code wisecrack, you get 15% off. Also a thing I really like about them is they have lots of information on how one can use psilocybin products to have a good time. A lot of that’s on their website. They’ve also told us before if you ever want to reach out to them via email or their Instagram if you have questions or thoughts, you can do that.

We also have a Wisecrack Discord if you sign up for our Patreon. There’s a couple levels starting at five bucks. Not only do you get on the Discord, you get our videos early with no ads, extra audio and video content including our podcast Behind the Crack and our video series Office Hours. You can also become a member of our YouTube page.

Lots has been going on in Missouri, and as a company, we think it is bad to discriminate against trans humans. We just do a simple simple thing.

If we get to 700 viewers today on this stream and you like the stream, I will have psychedelics in my system next stream. I’m not kidding. So if you want to see me on psychedelic substances on the next Wisecrack Live on 420, make sure to tune in! h

All I can say to you is like this: share this stream with anyone you like because I swear to God I’ll do it. God, I’m tempted, maybe at some point during the stream I’ll go on Twitter and tweet out the link and see if we get to 700. Someone said my tweets have been wilding. Um, okay.

Oh yeah, let’s say reactionary stuff in the chat that rips. In Missouri, the setting is debates about the rights of trans people. What happened was in the Missouri state senate, they talked about how people can marry 12 year olds. They got into it.

Nelson, thank you so much and please like the stream. Yes, someone make 400 accounts. Maeve is 25 miles from Missouri and Arkansas. Hey in Arkansas though, at least kids can work.

Sabapentin said what about Helen - is she still part of the team? Yeah, Helen’s gonna start doing some stuff very soon. We’re really excited about it, so you’re gonna see some more of Helen very soon, but Helen’s doing lots of cool stuff. Follow us on all our socials.

Let’s start with this video. Republicans have been conspicuously quiet about the mega Republican Federal judge’s ruling. We’re watching this clip because it gets into something fun - we’re not watching this clip because we like love MSNBC or think Joy Reid rips. Just to be clear, invalidating the FDA’s approach to abortion medication, crowed about it, probably because they know it’s wildly unpopular, so much so that it has enraged a part of their supposed pro-business party base. Big Pharma and hundreds of industry executives think that’s really fun when the right wing synthesis with business. Also, the Liberals in America do that too, when they come up against this contradiction of their aggressive morality not working with business.

They signed on to an open letter blasting Judge Matthew Kesmarek, saying the ruling ignores science, undermines the FDA’s authority and creates uncertainty for the entire industry. Of course, the Republican trademark is being out of touch on well, everything. Abortion, democracy, guns. Talk about the 12 year olds today - that sounded weird that I just said.

An advocacy group, Equality Florida, issued a warning about travel or moving to the state. That’s so crazy that there’s like a travel advisory now for an LGBT Rights group to say that people shouldn’t go to Florida. Also, shouts out everyone in Florida.

Traveling man said I thought you guys were too politically correct for a stream like this. I’m surprised. Guys, this is what the stream is here for. If the YouTube videos are the ego of Wisecrack, the stream is the ID of Wisecrack.

Warning of risks to health, safety and freedom moving through its legislature under the Ron DeSantis regime, it comes days after a Florida Republican state representative had to apologize for an extravagantly offensive rant during a hearing where he called transgender people demons and imps. This is gonna be great guys.

And two, like shout out to anyone who is from Florida who has lived in Florida. I’ve lived in Florida for a while. There’s lots of very cool people in places in Florida, but there’s also people like this guy looking at society today and it’s like I’m watching an X-Men movie. It’s like we have mutants living among us on planet Earth. I’m a proud Christian Conservative Republican. I’m not on the fence. Do you think?

I’m not trying to get around the absurdity of this and I’m curious in the chat. I’m curious with Henry and K.F. from FD Signifier. I would love to do a video within this video - his content is so good. Has Representative Barnaby ever read an X-Men comic or watched an X-Men movie? What do we think? Because I’m gonna say I don’t think he has. I think he’s seen a movie, not all of a movie. He probably saw it when it was on cable TV or something, but yeah. Happy Birthday to Frederick Jameson! I’ve been keeping up with the chat today and it sounds like Scarlett had a great idea about going to the library to focus. Logan Reese is an awesome library member and you can follow him on social media. We’re almost at 700 viewers, so if we hit that mark, I’ll be ingesting psychedelics on the stream next week. Missouri is really out here, and America has a lot more in store. We also have an email, wisecracklive66@gmail.com, where you can reach us.

Claire Mccaskill, an MSNBC political analyst and former Senator, was discussing whether children should be allowed to be married by adults at the age of 12 if their parents consented to it. State Senator Mike Moon had voted not to change the law, and said that it should be the parents’ and kids’ right to decide what’s best for them, even if it meant being raped by an adult at age 12. Do you know any kids who have been married at age 12? Mike Moon said something outrageous, claiming that he knew of kids who had been married at age 12 and were still married. His defense of adults marrying 12 year olds was that they were still married, implying that there was a low divorce rate. This is met with disbelief and confusion from the audience.

Someone then brings up the right wing in America, who call people “groomers” if they don’t like what they think. This is followed by a proposal to replace public libraries with church owned libraries, with the suggestion that they would become “liberal grooming centers”.

This is met with further confusion and disbelief, as it is difficult to imagine a church-owned library stocking books about Islam, critiques of religion, or exploring Buddhism.

The absurdity of these statements is highlighted, and parallels are drawn to Adam Curtis’s documentaries, which explore how absurdity can become normalized in our culture and how those in power can do whatever they want without consequences. It seems like most of us are in the average age range of 16-17 when it comes to our first job. Whether it’s for extra money or to help out the family, it’s still normal for us to get our first job halfway through high school. Arkansas is pushing back child labor laws, which is a reminder of what happened during the New Deal era of America like guaranteed wages, the right to unionize, public jobs and salary rights, highways, public transportation, public services, labor laws, and 40-hour work weeks. It’s sad to see these rights being eroded, and it’s important that everyone has a nice life and access to culture, regardless of their political beliefs. ashing corporations this is me saying what is the teleology of the act and then we can evaluate it from there

Yeah, that was like one of my first jobs was a counselor at a camp or whatever, but yeah, so you know again does wisecrack have politics empathy and we want you to have a nice life dangerous Moises? The Define wisecrack what is it garments and uh yeah they’re getting burned by chemicals, they’re working with uh industrial uh equipment amazing too that sounds like the olden days.

It’s one thing if a kid, you know, when you’re young you work at a camp or a record shop - I just aged myself a record shop - um you know a restaurant, whenever being burned with chemicals, saws they’re working with, animals are being torn to shreds, heavy machinery and animals are being torn to shreds. Jesus, you’re gonna see more of it thanks to people like Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders who passed the bill in Arkansas that makes it uh easier for companies to hire younger and younger employees.

And again, when you pass a bill that allows companies to hire younger employees, let’s be Aristotelian for a second guys. Groom crack yeah um but like I know it’s one thing too though because he is cool like Maeve said groom crack and Maeve’s are regulars part of this family so I’m like I get it if it was someone who like didn’t have a yellow name and I didn’t know them I’d be like oh no forget it maybe um I’m gonna I have a comment on Aristotelian teleology we’ll get to after we look at Prairie Fryer’s comment.

So Prairie Fire said the meat packing plant in my hometown teachers reported kids aged 12 to 16 working the night shifts. They lost seem to mostly target undocumented children. My farm was safer than the Meat Plant yeah that’s the thing too right so like the same types of politicians who want to kick undocumented people out of the country want to make laws such that undocumented children could do dangerous labor.

Craig works at a record store that rips that rips um the first job I tried to get Craig was at a record store and I think I came in too hot trying to act like a cool record store guy because one of my favorite movies was High Fidelity and I think I literally kind of acted too much like Jack Black from High Fidelity in my interview so you know there you go um but here’s here’s we’re gonna say a great way to look at things and this is non-political is to always be asking questions about teleology. Right now what is teleology? Many of you know this, some of you don’t and it’s fine if you don’t know this.

I often think about Aristotleology. It’s not exclusive to him but it’s the idea that we investigate something by looking at the aim, the end, the purpose of the thing - that thing’s teal loss - and we can evaluate things on that basis. So you know like the teleology of, oh thank you for the person who said love wisecrack love crack but you know I go to the grocery store to buy food the teleology of that act is to come home with groceries so that I can cook food to consume food to stay alive and stay healthy or something like that. If I go get drinks with my friends the tea loss of that act is to have nice socially lubricated time with people I enjoy being around um yeah oh Logan Reese why yes Empire Records as well um Penny Waldrop became My Enemy by saying Hi Fidelity is a trash movie. Listen, you’re probably objectively right but I like that movie so much um but you know um doing this stream the teal loss is to hang out with you all, have some fun, do some work for the channel and explore some ideas.

So when we look at a bill that makes it easier for corporations to hire children without proper documentation or whatever we can just simply ask what is the teleology of that act? Well, what would we say it’s a it’s the T loss of it is serving the lives of young people to give them opportunities for like professional skill development stuff like that? Probably not. The TLs of that act seems to be to provide cheaper labor to corporations so they can produce goods or services by spending less, well they can charge more, thus making higher levels of profit.

Now this is not me just trashing corporations, this is me saying what is the teleology of the act and then we can evaluate it from there. It’s a good life skill to ask oneself what do we want for the lives of young people in America? Do we want them to have the space to access ideas and explore different types of art, culture and media, and be taught the critical skills to evaluate those things? Or do we want them to be exposed to potentially deadly chemicals or dangerous machinery at the age of 15 or 16? Hassan Piker’s uncle suggested that we should name our child ‘Moises’ if we get 20,000 likes and memberships in the chat. I recently heard someone on Twitter discussing a beer that is supposedly brewed in Illinois. Most of the facilities in Illinois are owned by Anheuser-Busch Corporation, which has been in America since the 1840s, although they have since been bought by a European company. It is speculated that this beer is created in a facility that also makes those beers, but this could not be confirmed.

Someone suggested boycotting the beer by having a few trans people drink it and post about it on social media, although this was met with some criticism. It was also noted that the beer is expensive, with a six-pack costing $35.

Matthew Jacobs, a Christian who loves beer, is a fan of Heretic Brewing, and someone mentioned that this ad makes them pro-temperance in a way. It was also noted that it is hypocritical to have a moral outrage over beer when it can be linked to domestic violence, child abuse, drunk driving, and other moral ills.

Finally, it was mentioned that there are now beer problems with baseball in America because games are getting shorter and they can’t sell as much beer. That’s fantastic! Someone wants to be a teacher but they drink too much - I literally had that thought at one point that I wanted to be a teacher, but getting up that early would just be really terrible. But again, thanks for being here. Thanks for liking the stream, it means a lot to us. Next week we’ll be back on Thursday at our normal time 11 A.M. I realize it sounds like I’m wrapping up now, I’m not - this is just a little check-in.

But we’ll be back at our normal time which is 11 A.M. on Thursdays. Our next stream will be on April 20th, and we’ll see what happens on that one. Someone says Friday - superior - listen, we can talk about it, we can talk about shifting some stuff around if people are interested in potentially doing that.

I just want to make you all happy. Again, I got to point out we have two videos come out this week - one that is on the influence of psychedelic culture and early Silicon Valley, it’s pretty cool if you haven’t checked it out. We have one on the new Red Scare around TikTok, so check that out even if you’re not a TikTok person.

It’s great - it’s a video where we argue that children should be super soldiers for the Chinese Communist Party because that’s our official corporate position. Also this week, the stream has a special sponsor which is Schedule 35, who also basically helped us make the video that came out on Monday. Again, Schedule 35 is doing cool stuff by offering psilocybin based products to you. They’re safe, they’re measured, they’re produced well, they all come with informational cards and booklets that tell you how to use them and how to be responsible and safe.

It’s not like your cousin’s friend Brody that meets you in a lot outside of a local jam band show and gives you a little plastic bag full of mushroom stems and it’s like go for it brother. No, it’s a company that’s going to send you things in nice packaging that are properly dosed with information. If you want more information they’ll help you out, they’ll talk to you about safety, all these sorts of things.

If you go on their website, schedule35.co, you can only go there if you’re in America or Canada unfortunately for now. And you use the code wisecrack you get a discounted check out. Some of you might be saying this sounds… they’ll talk to you about the legality of all this sort of stuff. All I know is it’s legit, the products are safe, and they show up and I’ve yet to be rated by the DEA.

Um and if you’re watching DEA parity law parity law parity law I’m this is like Alex Jones I’m just performing. Someone says teachers drink so much - Michael Crow jeans - yeah, I think like it’s like teachers and nurses drink more than everyone else. Um, someone is just typing cringe over and over - can you make the person that keeps saying cringe shut the [__] up?

Awesome. Um and here’s the thing too - if someone said cringe once I wouldn’t care, you could say like this sucks once, that’s fine, I don’t mind at all when you say it over and over. This is boring - Mellow Jello makes a good point though - Schedule 35 chocolate bar was great - just be careful eating all at once, be very careful. And this is the thing with stuff like that - take your time, do it in a good setting, all that sort of stuff.

Let’s let’s wrap up a little bit of Harris hole for old time’s sake - maybe I don’t know, what do you think Henry? Let’s um yeah, let me I’ll get it loaded, I’ll pause it. Um and for those of you don’t know, sometimes we watch videos by Jonathan Harris - you know, we have fun with them. Someone says the stream is exactly like when I watch Alex Jones every day - yet people say that, people say that I’m I’m woke Alex Jones.

Now we’re gonna watch a video about Johnny Harris - okay Satan, um let’s see. This sucks one - see there you go, I appreciate that. G hence used to drink a little wine before grading essays when I - I’ll tell you guys a story real quick, I know you love stories. Um when I was in college I worked at an after-school program. and then the team with the higher seed wins the series like if the US had the higher seed they should’ve won the series but I guess they didn’t so they had to go to war three times

It was determined that the U.S government’s administration of Indian Affairs shall be directed entirely by the great principles of justice and Humanity. This is why America is a light, a beacon on the hill of humanity, as we’ve seen in everything we’ve looked at today. Instead of Conquest, the U.S would negotiate and sign formal treaties with these native nations and they would pay them for their land. This is Justice and Humanity.

Europeans were pouring into the newly formed United States, and the government was making deals and signing treaties with the tribes, allowing them to settle on their land. However, many of these tribes had no interest in trading their ancestral lands for farming equipment. This is where the ideals of justice and Humanity start to dissolve as the U.S became a more powerful Nation.

In one instance, one group of tribes near the Great Lakes refused to sell their land and told the U.S to stay off their land. The U.S refused and took them to war, and eventually won the battle and forced the tribes to sign a treaty giving away all of their land. It is clear that trading blacksmith services for indigenous land is not a good deal. really cool and yeah I think that’s it

Master asked if the Patreon money goes to the team or if Corporate Daddy gets a cut. He is interesting because all the money we make from our different sources is kind of pooled together. Corporate Daddy evaluates us on how we bring in different revenue streams, such as Tick Tock ads, brand deals, etc. A lot of people limit themselves to one revenue stream, but these can be unreliable and trends change quickly. Patreon is different because it is our audience saying they like what we do and are willing to give us money each month. This means we are less dependent on sketchy revenue streams and can be more honest. Our parent company is Enthusiast Gaming, which was initially acquired by Omnia Media before being acquired by Enthusiast Gaming.

Michael mentioned that they were sponsored by Schedule 35 this week, which makes high quality psilocybin products. People can use the code ‘wisecrack’ to get a discount and follow their Instagram for more information. He also thanked Producer Henry, Husk, and their new asexual lighting rig.