Hello Internet! The channel has just chugged past 900 million views and the next stop is the big billion - which is a little bit, wow! I’d like to have a Q&A ready for that day, which realistically means, I need to get started right now by asking you for your questions. Please send them not via the comments below. In fact, let me just close the entrance to that howling mine and direct you rather to Reddit because Reddit has a great random question secret voting system that helps me sort through it all. Last time, the number of questions crossed 12,000. Even if you don’t have a question, please do consider voting. A single upvote can rocket a question above thousands of others ignored. And a single downvote damns a question into eternal oblivion. Very helpful. Ah, yeah, so that’s it. You can check out the previous Q&A’s over here to see what’s already been covered, and then click here to head over to Reddit. Thank you for submitting questions and voting and I’ll see you at a billion. [playful music] Well, I probably won’t be ready exactly on time, but you guys know the deal by now.