Good morning, Internet! Today is a day I thought it would take many years to arrive and never have I been happier to be wrong. Today is my Kovid vaccination day and I’m heading over to my appointment which just so happens to be at the coolest place to get a vaccination ever - the Science Museum! What a beautiful London day to start the potential of a summer with travel. All good, okay now just to find a spot to park!

It’s surreal that this is finally going to happen, but if there’s one place that’s going to be filled with unvaccinated people, it’s a huge vaccine center. So time to gear up before going in - suited up and super pumped to get my vaccine at the coolest place in the city to do so.

Right here we go! It seems like you have potential for a lot more capacity than there is today. Thank you guys. Hello, can I have your booking reference please? Hi, I’m all right, how are you? Oh man, thank you so much. Oh, that was it so fast! Wow. The exit takes you right into the museum. This is quite a trip - I haven’t been anywhere inside like this for a year. Wow. All right, no need to push it though. Time to go home.

Thank you for having me. If you want the shot, the Science Museum’s got slots. It’s amazing to finally have this done. Thank you to the literally thousands of scientists and medical personnel and logistics personnel, all of whom work together to make today happen and to make this possible. Life already feels so different. It’s time to get back to the world. I’ll see you soon, Internet! 🎉 🎉 🎉