Come in and have a look at this top secret project we’ve been working on. It’s finally time to push the button and put the MIGHTY SHRINK LAZORRR to the test! We did it! It worked. Right under our noses there is so much hidden that we never get to see with our own eyes – entire realms of bizarre structures and outlandish creatures. What a magical place this is! A forest of slime molds, single-celled organisms that work together and form fungus-like structures. But we don’t have time to hang out with these calm fellows any longer. Psssst! Now we’re in the kingdom of the mighty tardigrades – don’t disturb them in their death-like slumber. Don’t worry though, they will wake up once the conditions are less rough. Oof, didn’t mean to get in the way! Your cells are hustling to keep you alive, coordinating myriads of proteins. This might be the weirdest place yet, with no up or down. There’s way too much going on – better move on. Now we are inside one of the parts that allow you to watch this video. The structure of a microchip is so small, it nearly breaks the rules of the quantum realm. – Wait, something is happening! These hidden worlds are all part of our 12,023 Human Era Calendar. This time you can join us on a journey through the microcosm. With each turn of the page you will reveal a new world you didn’t know existed right beneath your feet. You know the drill by now: as always it’s a super high-quality calendar, very shiny and only available for a short time. We also have a few special deals for you in our shop. The calendar is a true piece of kurzgesagt you can take home with you. And we say this every year but it’s true: every calendar purchase directly supports what we do here at kurzgesagt. And that’s not just creating videos but sparking curiosity all around the world. So because of you, we can spread knowledge and ignite an appreciation for space, nature and life in people everywhere. Thank you so much for making this possible! Have a wonderful 12,023! See you down in January!