Hey Free Thinkers! It’s Henry here, and I just wanted to say that we’ll be with you in just a moment. As Hector Perez already said in the chat, welcome to another edition of Wisecrack Live - it’s Thursday, February 9th, 2023. Thank you, and have a happy Thursday everyone! so you’re welcome to join in on the conversation and if you’ve never seen one of our videos you can check out our YouTube channel and watch some of those that’s always a good time so let’s get started

Michael Burns and Producer Henry are Back!

We’re excited to be back and we’re ready to discuss Hollywood’s recent obsession with movies about rich people, the reactions to our video on cheating, and even a bit on the Harris Hole!

If you’re just joining us, we talk about wisecrack stuff, media culture, politics, and more. If you’ve never seen one of our videos, you can check out our YouTube channel.

Let’s get started! day at 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time we’re gonna be talking about the new Netflix show the Queen’s Gambit and we’re gonna be talking about it with the director Scott Frank and the star Anya Taylor-Joy so make sure to tune in

For sure, um okay, oh yeah, now Marx is coming up in the articles. This is the paragraph: There’s another reason also shouts to Henry again, we’re Hive Minding, we’re connecting on the article, um and thanks for being here if you’re just tuning in, this is Wisecrack Live, we’re talking about Hollywood’s recent obsession with punishing rich people. John, you’re totally right about Jesuit universities. Um, quick digression: I taught at a Jesuit university and yes, my students were either half kids that were not kids, they were adults who were business majors who had to take philosophical ethics because in Catholic colleges, let’s say you hate Catholicism, that’s fine. One of the only positives about the Catholic education system is everyone has to take philosophy and a lot of weirdos teach at Jesuit universities, self-included. Like, you know, Freudians and Marxists and Hegelians and existentialists and all types of fun stuff. But yeah, my students were either cool weirdos or were literally one time I had this business business ethics class where I made them watch movies about like how Bankers were bad and read Marx. It was really funny because they were just kind of like, “We see what you’re doing, but [__] it, we’ll go with it.” And at the end of class they were all seniors, we went got beers together at a bar near campus - everything with a bar, but it was uh near Loyola University in Baltimore and I was like, “Oh let me buy you guys around,” trying to be like the cool older guy and one of the guys put his arm on my shoulder and he was like, “Michael,” he was like, “We’re about to be making more money than you in a matter of weeks. We can buy you a Bud Light or something like that.” And you know what, they were right, they totally knew that as a visiting assistant professor of philosophy I was making, I think you know, forty thousand dollars a year and on their internships for finance firms in New York they were about to make so much more than me. So that was a funny thing they did.

Mr. Tamar says unfortunately you won’t find Sartre and Camus at Jesuit universities, not me. When I taught at a Jesuit university, I definitely taught Sartre.

Devil’s Advocate says, “Out of curiosity, who’s your spirit philosopher?” My favorite philosophers, this is probably well established, I like Søren Kierkegaard a lot, I like Alan the Jew a lot, um, if we consider him a philosopher, to kind of do it like France Fanon quite a lot and I’m also a German idealism head so Hegel, Fichte, Schelling, they’re my guys.

But I think what I was saying before is if you’re just tuning in, this is Wisecrack Live, it’s Michael Burns and producer Henry, we’re talking about Hollywood’s um, “Eat the Rich” fantasy, reading this really cool article from San Alder Bell on Vulture, uh and later we’re gonna talk about cheating, how to do it, how to deceive your partner, we’re going to give you the best advice, just kidding, and then hopefully there’s time at the end, we’re gonna do the Harris Hole today, guys, because it seems like Johnny Harris got bass. Johnny Harris did a video on Coos, if you’ve never been here before, you know that we love to hate and hate to love Johnny Harris, so we’re gonna watch one of those videos, there you go.

Um, Mr. Tamar says, “I hope we can at some point” if you would ever want to, and this is why I bring up stuff like I was bringing up earlier about what exclusive content could we make that you all would want because I want us to figure out how to both make stuff that’s more reflective of what the core audience, what the stream heads want, while also like helping us make some money so we can hire more people. So there you go, Caspi.

I’ve not made the Harris Hole song yet and you’re right to call me out for that. I need to make a Harris Hole song. I’m taking a week vacation starting tomorrow, so maybe I’ll do some aerosol stuff. Oh, before we keep going to the article, quick announcement: Wisecrack Live next week Friday at 4 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, we’re gonna be talking about the new Netflix show, The Queen’s Gambit, and we’re gonna be talking about it with the director, Scott Frank, and the We respect all types of consensual sexual exploration in this community, and we’re going to do the Harrison after this. The argument isn’t about the moral nuance of cheating, but rather about the danger of trying to turn it into a black and white moral bifurcation. It’s not okay to lie to your life partner, but it’s also not okay to do a lot of things. We should try to be curious and understand why someone has made a decision that hurts us, instead of demonizing them. We should also take care of ourselves and not stay in an abusive relationship. -ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma-ma

Mike Hunt said:

Damn he even pronounced Nicaragua in the proper way he’s really going for it today he’s really going for it um this one’s real so let’s let’s get into Central American stuff this is pretty good thus far guys this is a pretty good this is like all time Harris fitting there’s a bunch of powerful American companies here but a new president comes to power vowing to regulate them the US is not going to let this happen so the secretary of state starts spreading rumors to smear this guy this President saying that he’s building a canal that would compete with the Panama Canal but really they’re just upset because Nicaragua was taking loans from Europe the U.S keeps painting this guy as a war criminal and someone worthy of being thrown out so push comes to shove and the U.S sends ships to both of Nicaragua’s coasts they assemble a bunch of Marines in Panama basically just flexing on Nicaragua and telling the president to step down and the benefit of being a rising superpower is that it worked he has no choice but to step down and soon a leader that the U.S likes comes to power the DT said Harris hold gushy today who is complete and really this is the first of many instances of the US meddling in Nicaragua.

Joseph asked:

I’m just jumping into this working of Irish time can someone explain what’s going on?

Mike Hunt replied:

A few years later, the U.S. is back in the region for another coup in next door Honduras. This one was plotted by a band of private American citizens and it follows a similar pattern. A new president comes to town in this case directly inspired by Nicaragua’s president and he wants to take back control of the country from American businesses. In this case, we’re talking about bananas. The banana companies were not going to let this happen and it was mostly this guy, a banana businessman named Sam the banana man, who assembled his own militia. He literally bought a surplus Navy ship, loaded it up with weapons and started his campaign to get this president out. The U.S. government didn’t know everyone’s political direction of Honduras either, so they just sort of stood back and let this private invasion happen and then at the critical moment, the U.S. steps in to order a ceasefire, basically bullying the president to step down. He had no way forward, no defense, so he resigns, giving the banana businessman land and a unique status to import anything he needs tax-free. And wait for it, he refunds him for all of his expenses using public Honduran money. This banana man literally overthrew the government and made Honduras pay for it.

Fast forward to the 50s and the coup becomes a more useful tool in the American toolkit. There’s this new U.S. agency dedicated to collecting and analyzing information from all over the world, meaning for spying, they call it the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and it completely revolutionizes the art of the coup. the CIA’s activities in Iran, it is clear that they were not happy with the Iranians trying to take back their resources. To prevent this, the CIA sent Kermit Roosevelt, the Middle East bureau chief, to Iran with a million taxpayer dollars to bring about the fall of Mosadec. Roosevelt and the CIA used their money to bribe politicians, religious clerics, and other leaders, as well as hire locals to stage attacks against religious leaders and stash enough weapons and explosives to support a 10,000-man gorilla organization for six months. All of this resulted in a bloody shootout at Mosavec’s house, and he was eventually found guilty of treason and sentenced to three years.