**Hi everyone! Sal Khan from Khan Academy here, and I’m happy to welcome you to this course on internet safety. You might be thinking, “Why should I take this course? The internet is a great place for connecting with people, finding information, and doing lots of fun things!” But you also need to be aware that the internet can be a dangerous place. There are people out there who want to gain access to your personally identifiable information (PII). This includes things like credit card numbers, emails, and social media accounts. If someone gets access to these accounts, they could do anything from embarrassing you to stealing money from you.

You also need to be aware of phishing attacks. These are attempts to trick you into giving out your PII by pretending to be someone else and making it seem urgent. This course will teach you how to prevent these attacks, as well as what to do if it ever happens to you. Hopefully you enjoy the course and find it very useful!**