The food was really tasty

The food was delicious. icky and gross and weird so yeah um that’s what’s been going on so thank you so much for joining us here on Friday February 17th

Wisecrack Live

Thanks for joining us this Friday for Wisecrack Live! We’ll be with you in just a moment.

We’re here with fellow free thinkers and members of the free thought community. Normally Wisecrack Live is a Thursday endeavor, so thank you for showing up this week!

We took a little bit of vacation time, so you may have noticed a delay. I had a little rough go my last night of vacation, but besides that it was great.

We’ve had a recent string of videos that were co-ideated with all of you. In particular, The Curious Case of Justin Roiland video came out today. We also had a video on Harry Potter, and the reaction to JK Rowling and her views on trans human beings has been icky and gross and weird.

Thanks again for joining us here on Friday, February 17th! to just chat with Abigail about anything

Nate said:

You got to do what you got to do Nate but that’s probably why you know you avoided the wokification of whatever extraneous love their capitals education only costs 250k to make 20K a year tell me about it tell me about it great Stone dragon is Professor awesome um great Stone Dragon I’m a I’m an ex Professor I got kicked out also it’s funny too when people when James Lindsay got mad at me on Twitter people were calling me like an ivory Tower person who thinks that only philosophy professors matter and I was like dog I I left the academy to work on YouTube videos that anyone can watch because I think it’s fundamentally important that ideas are accessible for everyone but what are you gonna do what are you gonna do let’s talk about Jesus um you know what what if God was one of us um

Nate has to do what he has to do, even though he has avoided the wokification of extraneous love and the expensive cost of higher education. He left academia to work on YouTube videos that everyone can watch because he believes that ideas should be accessible for everyone. He then questions what if God was one of us. I’m glad that our dad is here; thank you, homie man, for being our daddy. Um, help me not be an Edge Lord, dad. Okay, so still, this is clear: Liberty over lockdown. This might have even been a real picture; stuff like this happened during the pandemic, where people in certain cities were mad about masking and stuff like that. So there you go, and this one’s just kind of artsy; I feel like because you have a bunch of people with megaphones and then there’s the one girl in the middle, um our young woman in the middle who’s who’s like plugging her her ears or whatever.

Blake says, “I’m Christian, so [I’m] still very uncomfortable.” He’s Camp Place, yeah. So Blake and hopefully everyone gets this; I’m not interested in this because I think that um religion or Christianity in particular is something you made fun of if you’ve watched some of the videos we’ve made on things like this. I’ve talked about it before because this isn’t I I don’t think that this commercial we can talk more about this is an Earnest expression of religious belief; I think it’s a a weird marketing tactic trying to create a weird ideological bait and switch, that’s what I do kind of thing.

So um, and I think maybe as someone who has you know um, oh Brady Finnegan Reynolds thanks for being here, really appreciate it. First time, hopefully it’s first time long time. But I think in describing like why this might feel bad or weird for someone who like is a Christian and has that sort of religious belief is probably the this isn’t reflective of how you interpret your faith. I don’t want to project onto you there, but yeah.

Matt Larson found me into a live stream, glad you’re here. Okay, um, yeah Matthew says they’re treating Jesus like a magic solution. I mean I also do think as well we’ll talk about this a little more but I think that I think that this commercial can be read in a lot of different ways and I think it’s genius in that you could watch this as a folk liberal, you could watch it as an angry white right-wing person, and I think you could project your beliefs onto this in a way where you are the good one or something like that.

Penny Walters did not a critique of religion; critique of religious advertising. I mean this is there’s a famous Marx quote where he says the something like the critique of religion is the premise of all critique and the point um marks makes there isn’t that we got a critique religion and be Edge Lords about it but that understanding the societal function of religious ideology ideology helps us get at the core of what a society’s values are. So like if we look at let’s say protestantism in Europe post-industrial Revolution, you see a heavy emphasis on things like you know um it being good to to work and labor and the poor are blessed and those who are Meek or blessed; this is you know what Nietzsche would get mad at, and when you critique those ideas, it’s not critiquing a Biblical tradition or even theology as such, it’s asking what is the benefit of these ideas and it’s that question of well who benefits, like who benefits if a religious ideology at a period of wild industrialization encourages people to spend as much time laboring as possible and turns the labor and suffering into spiritual virtue; who benefits? Well, not the people laboring; the people that are benefiting from that labor.

So I think when we look at something like this it’s always like, “Oh melodel is here, what’s up? So glad you made it.” Um, I I I think you know here it’s like what is the idea of being explored or communicated and and what is it saying about our society now and it’s trying to make some comment. Oh what’s up syntax era NZ, glad that you’re here. Um, let’s keep watching. Okay, now I’m noticing a theme: the rule of Threes. Right, if we see a thing happening uh in comedy and literature or whatever when we see it three times we got to ask ourselves something and what we’ve seen three times thus far it and we’re 26 seconds in is three different times where they just show us black men yelling at each other and it… -

Adam H can’t pour his shots fast enough—well it’s not the New York Times again—welcome to Icecrack Live! If you’re just tuning in, but Black is Cool said on the popcorn, um, homie man we will dad if we’re allowed to smoke a bowl with you maybe, and then Derek B says the woman in the coat sneering in the back right—I like her too. We’re watching the He Gets Us commercial from the Super Bowl and Blue 2x2x, I’m always the bald guy on the right—you know that’s that’s kind of my place in life is being the bald guy on the right.

John Johnson said, “I’m God, you’re all my children—you’re all God.” Thanks, John, we appreciate it. Bobby Pine says, “Look at all these divisions caused by ideology—rid yourself of ideology, follow Jesus.”

Someone brought up the Pepsi Kendall Jenner commercial which I think is true. You might also be wondering why do some people have green usernames? Does that mean they’re the resident stoners who want everyone to know they’re about that green? No, it means they are members of our YouTube page—it’s a fun thing you do, you get green usernames, you get emotes, you get to be on our Discord. Also, we have a Patreon. People have talked about the Discord in the chat today, so if you saw that and you thought to yourself, “Why does Icecrack have a Discord? Why wasn’t I invited? I don’t want to be alienated from that,” you can join—it’s fun. You join our Patreon, you get a Discord, you get extra videos, as we talked about last week. We’re going to start making some extra content on our Patreon. think recognizing the the the fullness of what Jesus represents

Henry and I discussed a commercial that aired during the Super Bowl that had the theme of Jesus loves everybody. We both noted that there is a lot more to the tradition of Christianity than what is presented in the commercial. We discussed the Prosperity Gospel, a trend in American evangelicalism where people believe that if they exhibit faith in Jesus they will be rewarded with material goods. We also discussed Liberation Theology, a largely Latin American developed School of Theology that prioritizes the liberation of the poor and as a progressive and egalitarian take on Christianity. really cool

Paulo Ferrari is a man who has been dead for quite some time, yet his schools still exist. Paulo Ferrari schools have been criticized by some, as they claim the teachers are not his disciples and they don’t diagnose the problems correctly. Paulo gave an analogy at the summit about having a wound:

“If you had a wound, you wouldn’t put a bandaid on it and expect it to heal. You’d treat it with the right medicine. That’s what Paulo Ferrari schools are doing - they are putting bandaids on the issues, instead of treating them with the right medicine.”