can find the original here.

Nelson Otis Tiffany’s genealogical research into the Tiffany family, funded with liberal contributions of money from Charles Lewis Tiffany, founder of Tiffany and Co, revealed that the Tiffany’s have inherited to a marked degree the sturdy, determined characteristics of their English, Irish, and Scotch ancestry. Physically, they are usually of medium to large stature, many being over six feet in height, and are high-spirited and active, with a stately bearing, erect carriage, and large heads with the upper brain developed in excess of the base. The complexion is usually dark, but not swarthy, and the eyes are brown, dark blue, or dark gray. The most marked physical characteristic of the Tiffany’s is the expression of the eye, which is quick and clear cut in movement and changes rapidly with the mood. As a race, the Tiffany’s are long-lived, retaining their mental faculties unimpaired to a good old age. Charles Lewis Tiffany, founder of the famous house of Tiffany and Company, was in his 90th year at the time of writing and was still able to attend to his business daily, giving it his close and intelligent attention.