The program is not working correctly

The program is not functioning properly. Your cells are made up of muscles, organs, skin and hair, all of which are composed of molecules in your blood and bones. Cells are like biological robots, following their programming that has been evolving and changing for billions of years, shaped by natural selection. They are impossible machines and driven by the fundamental forces of the universe, the smallest unit of life where physics meets biology.

To understand how amazing cells are, you need to dive deep into the complexity of the language of life. Inside your cells, there are trillions of water molecules, billions of proteins, and hundreds of thousands of different kinds, depending on the cell’s function. Proteins are the words of this language, and are made up of 21 different amino acids, which are like letters. If you put around 50 amino acids together, they form a protein, and if you put many of these proteins together, you get a sentence called a biological pathway.

Your cells need to do many hard things to stay alive, and all of this is done by speaking the language of life. To speak this language properly, you need to know which words, or proteins, make up the language, and this is the job of your DNA. If you untangle the cell’s DNA, it would be about two meters long. All of your body’s DNA combined into one long string would reach to the Sun and back over 20 times.