of a moment of meeting someone who changed my life and this autograph to remind me

The most valuable thing I own is probably something I was gifted five years ago. I had the chance to meet the individual behind How To Basic and as a gift, I was given something they had recently used in a video. I asked if they would sign it, but they had never signed an autograph before and didn’t even know what to sign. We worked together to come up with HTB with two eggs drawn on either side and then the date underneath. This may not be the only autograph How To Basic has ever done, but it very well may be the first.

What’s really wild is that I was so nervous and honored to meet the actual mysterious How To Basic that I took it really seriously. I didn’t tell anyone their name, not even my own wife, and so for five years I just didn’t even think about their name. Today I have forgotten it–I literally forgot who How To Basic is. If you kidnapped me and tortured me to give you that information, I couldn’t. All I have is this memory of a moment of meeting someone who changed my life and this autograph to remind me.