The website is not working

The website is not functioning I’m running a contest with my friend James Schloss from the YouTube channel Laos OS and his Twitch stream. The contest is called the Summer of Math Exposition and the goal is to encourage more people to create math explainers online. This could be a video, blog post, interactive game, or anything else that explains math. Submissions are due by August 22nd and a selection process will be used to choose winners. Winners will be featured in a Three Blue One Brown video and a playlist of all the videos will be created. Additionally, I’m thinking of sending something special to the winners, like custom gold plushy pie creatures.

The only constraints are that the submission must be something new and must be about math in the broadest sense. It could include physics or computer science as long as it has mathy components. The topic is completely up to the creator and can be anything they’ve learned about that isn’t covered well online.