The feature can also be used to create a summary

The feature can also be used to generate a summary. is to try to write down something you hadn’t previously thought of and then the next two boxes are two things i want to get done today and then two things i want to get done this week and then i fill in the rest of the page with whatever is on my mind at the moment

This is the Theme System Journal I helped design to help improve my life in a practical way. It’s a very flexible tool and there are intentionally almost no labels of what has to go where, so it can be adaptable.

I usually start at the back with the daily trackers of what I want to improve upon or, as is often the case with me, what I want to be more consistent about. To brainstorm what I might want to improve, I use the blank pages next door. Personally, I find the process of thinking about what needs to be improved or changed or constantified one of the most directly helpful parts of the process. Identifying vague feelings of dissatisfaction and turning them into actionable, tractable, checklistable items is very helpful.

The big four that can go wrong for me are sleep, exercise, diet, and work. Plus, I add a few other things on my mind at the time. For example, I realized over the past couple of years I’ve gotten really terrible at human communications.

To translate these pages into trackable items, I think about the list as top-down in order of importance. I’m not going to be successful at all things at all times, so a rank-ordered list is helpful when things aren’t going great. The circles are for filling in progress and they have a little line in them so I can give myself partial credit if I want. I recommend setting easy, peasy partial credit examples.

The main part of the Theme System Journal is the most flexible and open-ended. At the start of the day, I write down where I am in the header and the top two boxes to write two things I’m grateful for. The trick is to be really specific and to try to write down something I hadn’t previously thought of. The next two boxes are two things I want to get done today and then two things I want to get done this week. I fill in the rest of the page with whatever is on my mind at the moment.

At the end of the day, I look at the daily trackers and fill in the circles as I go. I can track the dates at the top and if I want, count up the circle sections for bonus points. The circles themselves are pleasingly visual enough to act as a reminder and nudge.