Original statement:

It is important to be organized when working on a project.

Paraphrased statement:

Maintaining an orderly approach is essential when undertaking a project. riarchy and the Patriarchy and how they’re changing and how they’re like inextricably linked to one another and how it’s like a cycle and how we can break it and I don’t know why I’m talking about that right now but that’s what we filmed yesterday so that’s coming out soon um

Thanks for joining us for Wisecrack Live this Thursday, March 2nd! We’re already seeing 182 people here, so thank you! We have Michael Burns with us and Producer Henry as always. Today we’ll be talking about all kinds of work-related topics, such as the Dilbert guy, four-day work weeks, unemployment, and how Florida Republicans are trying to ban the Democratic party.

We might also do some Harris Holding towards the end of the show. If you don’t know what this is, you’re in for a fun time!

We also mentioned that some people have green usernames. These are members of our channel, and they get some perks. We’re also working on emotes, and we have a Patreon with some new content coming soon.

The last video we released was on Friendship and Social Isolation. The coolest part was that we mentioned the Oviedo Marketplace Mall in Oviedo, Florida, and a lot of people have also been there!

Yesterday, we filmed a video about the Matriarchy and the Patriarchy and how they are inextricably linked and how we can break the cycle. That video will be released soon, so stay tuned! As someone who works in tech, philosophy is necessary – it’s so ingrained in people’s problems that not knowing about philosophical dilemmas we deal with is needed. The bigger ones I can think about stuff like cyber security, where the user is left with a lot of anxiety over the feeling of hopelessness and dread. This comment makes me think that the real reason to get into philosophy is just the money – so much money! Someone then asked it to make a sponsored ad for a video sponsored by Lockheed Martin, and why not? Do that! So, someone said in the chat, “Do I like the stream the same way I would like a normal video?” Yes – just click the thumbs up button – that’s all we ask of you! Before I worked for Wisecrack, Wisecrack did some sort of collaboration with The School of Life, so some of the early School of Life videos have a Wisecrack logo on them, which is weird. It appears that there is a growing trend of companies opting for a four-day work week in the U.S., and while some companies have seen success with this, there is a risk of workers being burnt out due to overworking. In response to the resistance of Amazon employees to their CEO’s suggestion of returning to the office three days a week, it has been noted that the pressure for a four-day work week is increasing due to the stress and hard work people have put in during the pandemic.