This is a great example

This is an excellent illustration isecrack about Florida’s governor today so just a heads up

Welcome to Wisecrack Live! It’s Thursday, January 26th, and I’m Michael Burns, joined as always by producer Henry. We’re here to talk about the wisecrack stuff, but off the cuff and unscripted.

We’re still recovering from last week’s stream, where I was bullied into doing physical fitness on stream. I did 8-9 push-ups and later that day I felt good about myself and decided to do some more push-ups, which resulted in me feeling horrible the next day.

We have lots to talk about today, and I’ll tell you something fun: I’m a graduate of the Florida public school system. So if you ever thought to yourself, “Isn’t it weird that Michael’s someone who has a PhD but sometimes sounds like an idiot,” we could maybe just blame it on that.

We’ll be talking about Florida a little bit today, mostly because Florida is shaking things up in terms of education at the high school and university levels.

If you want to join us and get a green username, you can become a member of our YouTube channel. It’s pretty easy to do.

We might wisecrack about Florida’s governor today, so just a heads up.

Good to see everyone in the chat, including Dave, Gregoria, Melo Jello, and Caspy. Welcome and have a good day! We love it! Yeah, let’s see if we can hit 666 right when Lemon freaks out, so watch this guys! Poppy’s gonna set him up and then Lemon’s gonna go off. Parent who wants a vacation? Holy Vox knew Tony Morrison! Amazing, amazing. Vox continues to be the most interesting man on the internet, but I also think there’s a lot that…but this isn’t about a voice and education. Poppy here he goes. That’s a red herring, I understand what you’re saying. I think that’s a red herring because there are lots of uncomfortable topics that are in books. You didn’t let me finish. Autism, I was just gonna say all of it right. Oh, I was just gonna say that was the second part. I thought he was yelling in mind confidence, but I want my kids to read things that are uncomfortable to talk about and have these hardest conversations at home and in the classroom, so that’s how we learn about that’s how we learn things are uncomfortable. History is uncomfortable, even the present is present. The moment that we’re in is uncomfortable being here, police and five officers turning themselves in and who could possibly face charges, that is uncomfortable. Not everything is Happy Happy Joy Joy, he said. Not everything is Happy Happy Joy Joy, shout out to Ren and Stimpy! And in order to grow as human beings and as a country and as a democracy, we have got to be able to face these things that are in our past. Toni Morrison is one of the most decorated authors in the history of this country, in the world. I mean, it is outrageous! People Rhonda Santos, stop it, you’re not helping! Oh, Rhonda Santa, stop it, you’re not helping! Oh boy, there you go guys. Um, so I want to see, I’m gonna I’m gonna scroll around for a second, see if I can cue up the right one, but there’s let’s see, maybe it’s not this one. Um, hold on friends, I’m just gonna scroll around and book banning. Oh, let me pause it. Um, book banning side of things or not book banning, but you know the Florida book watch list. We’re getting close to 666. Um, I don’t do push-ups at 666, I do push-up Wing at certain levels. If it gets to 666, I do the satanic voice. Um, but yeah, there we go friends. Oh, we’re at 669, 669 rips, but I’ll do a six six six welcome to Florida. Um, 669 is maybe better than six six if you ask me, if you ask me. Um, yeah, Jackson’s point there is really good. Um, happy 666! Rick Ross refuses to drive in a Tesla because he’s afraid it’ll take him directly to the police, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has described a new college level course for high school students on African-American studies as “contrary to Florida law and significantly lost educational value.” According to DeSantis and his State Department of Education, a course cultivated for 10 years by Scholars and experts is neither lawful nor historically accurate. The chair of Howard University’s history Department said the course presents “a solid understanding of how African Americans have Shaped America its history laws institutions culture and arts and even the current practice of American democracy.”

As a humorous aside, what do we think Ron DeSantis’s favorite musical artist and favorite meal are? Hey everyone, it’s been so much fun hanging out with you all - what a great group of people! Even those of you I don’t agree with, I tend to like the style of engagement we have cultivated. It’s really great.

So let’s get a little spicy and talk about the recent controversy in Florida regarding the American Studies course that was rejected by the state. People were saying this is exactly what they feared with individual freedom.

Thanks to Nate Lynch for coming out, or Nate Lynch, I don’t know if you or the commissioner could maybe expand a little bit more about what was it? In the state of Florida, our education standards not only don’t prevent but they require teaching black history - all the important things that’s part of our core curriculum. This was a separate course on top of that for advanced placement credit, and the issue is we have guidelines and standards in Florida. We want education, not indoctrination. If you fall on the side of indoctrination, we’re going to decline if it’s education then we will do this course.

When I heard it didn’t meet the standards, I figured yeah, they maybe do this here. It’s way more than that this course on black history - what are one of what’s one of the lessons about queer theory? Now, who would say that an important part of black history is queer theory? It’s just a wild thing to be like the history of black people has nothing to do at all with queerness. It’s like implying that we can detach sexuality and gender and sexual identity from the history of people. It just kind of a wild take.

They also have stuff about intersectionality, abolishing prisons - intersectionality is a methodology. Intersectionality is not you can be an intersectional conservative if you wanted to. Intersectionality just means when we’re thinking about a phenomenon, we think about the intersection of different identities, structures, and ideologies and how they all affect a thing. So learning that methodologically isn’t bad.

Dave Logan said he disagrees with everything that just danced - accessibility as the sound bites to get people on the side. He knows what he’s doing and there’s a video on Forbes which shows what is in the class.

All education has an agenda for sure. This is where I’m someone like Louis out, the great French philosopher.