The information was transmitted electronically

The information was transmitted electronically. encourages us to prioritize our online persona over our physical one we try to buy and sell our way to happiness but in the end all we’re left with is a false sense of connection and a feeling of isolation narrator digital alienation is a real problem but it’s one that we can fight back against by making an effort to stay connected to the physical world and to nurture real relationships the key is to remember that the virtual world is just a tool and that true happiness and satisfaction come from the real world so don’t forget to log off and enjoy the real world every now and again okay so this one was a lot better the chat GPT algorithm was able to correctly identify the topic of digital alienation and how it relates to capitalism it also correctly identified the problem and offered a solution but it still lacks the fun and colloquial tone that we strive for and it’s still missing the fun wisecrack wit that we’re known for so at this point I’m still not worried about losing my job anytime soon

I’ve never been afraid that AI would take my job in education and digital media, since the personal touch of a professor or a YouTube host can’t be replicated by complex algorithms. But then chat GPT happened, and news soon broke that BuzzFeed was going to start using it to create AI written content, resulting in a huge chunk of its writing staff being laid off. Other companies seem to be following suit and it’s freaky to think that those of us who make our living writing and performing content could be out of a job soon.

I wanted to figure out how likely it is that chat GPT is going to replace me and my writing colleagues. Does good content still need a human touch or are the machines going to outthink us to obsolescence? So, I logged into chat GPT to see if I could get it to write a usable wisecrack script and put it to the test.

I asked it to write a script for a wisecrack video, and the title they gave this one was “Why Philosophy is the Best Major for a Career in Tech”. The script correctly identified that philosophy teaches critical thinking, logic and problem solving skills that are essential for success in the tech industry. It also correctly described philosophy as asking the big questions and seeking to understand the world and our place in it. However, it still lacked the fun and colloquial tone that we strive for and it was missing the fun wisecrack wit that we’re known for.

Next, I asked it to write a video on a more specific topic, the relationship between digital alienation and capitalism. This time, the script correctly identified the topic of digital alienation and how it relates to capitalism. It also correctly identified the problem and offered a solution. However, it still lacked the fun and colloquial tone that we strive for.

At this point, I’m still not worried about losing my job anytime soon.