The product was not up to the expected standards.

The product did not meet the anticipated quality. osing that like the narrative is gonna be so bad that like you can’t enjoy it if you know the ending and I would disagree with that um I think that if it’s a good show or a good movie or something like that you can still enjoy the story even if you know the ending so I think that’s a valid point

Welcome to Wisecrack Live, this is Michael Burns with producer Henry. Hello today! Yeah, um, behind me is the Chicago History Museum. Spoiler Alert I’m in the city of Chicago. Uh, I’m visiting my in-laws for Passover, but we didn’t want to not do the stream, so we’re going to do it today like this and it might get a little messy. We appreciate your patience. We got some stuff to talk about.

A few things at the outset, I will not be able to see your comments today because I’m just doing this on the phone, so Henry’s going to help out with that. If you feel like I’m not as responsive and attentive as normal, know that it’s not because I don’t love you.

Yes, I’ll try to stay on top of getting all your wonderful questions to Michael. For instance, the letter W is wondering, “Did you get to go to any of the restaurants they recommended?” So, I just got in last night, letter W. I really appreciated the email. I think I’m trying to remember, there was one spot I’d been to before and the rest I hadn’t, so I’m here through the weekend. So thank you again for that. I really appreciate letter W you wrote an email last week also.

We got some really good emails this week. We are, we’re not going to use this yet because of today’s format, but someone sent us a Harris Hall theme song, so that’s huge. We asked for it and you did it and that’s really incredible. We got some good video recommendations too, so thanks for that as always: I love having to explain the 666 thing to people.

Um, let’s think, and before we get going as well, because it’ll be a little bit looser today, if anyone has questions, I’ll say this: you know, Midwestern honesty policy. So, if anyone has a question about anything, wants our opinion on something, wants to know anything like that, feel free.

So, we’ll get into it. So, we’re gonna talk about today. We have some videos come out last week. We had the one that came out that was on Easter eggs. I don’t like Easter eggs and Q and on that was fun. It picked up some steam after not doing well, but the video that came out Monday that a lot of people seem to watch is on the trolley problem and there’s one aspect of that I want to talk about in a second, which is that people got really mad that we showed some clips from The Good Place and then I made a comment to the extent of spoilers for The Good Place, but also the show’s been out for a long time and if you get spoiled, that’s a you probably not a me problem.

Some people were offended, including the CEO of streaming platform Nebula who took a shot at me on Twitter yesterday and said I accuse me of gaslighting our audience by saying that. Um, so I’m gonna, you know, and a second I’m gonna start moving guys because there’s historical sites I would love to show you.

Um, I’m curious for Henry’s opinion on this, and Henry, maybe while you’re talking, if you notice up in the comments, what is your take on? And I’ll, again, the official Wisecrack stance has always been something that’s good isn’t spoilable, because even if you learn a Twist or something like that, the narrative should hold up on its own, and that’s why great films and TV shows and plays, we can re-watch them. So, our stands has always been like it’s nice to not spoil you know, for example, if there’s a new episode of Succession or The Last of Us and something big happens, we’re not going to ruin that for you, but if the show has been out for years or something like that, it’s not something you can really spoil.

Henry, what’s what are your thoughts on that one?

Yeah, um, I mean there’s like a general politeness embargo of current items you don’t want to spoil. If something is new, I’d say you know, there’s a good year, there’s a good year or so, uh, maybe even longer depending. I mean, it really, I understand why some people are sensitive on a certain level to not having fresh things spoiled, but I do agree that you can’t really spoil otinue and so they assumed that’s what that Easter egg was about when it was about something else entirely so um yeah I think that’s a good example of how Easter eggs work um but yeah no reference to Thug Notes in that video

Hopefully, Monday sounds fun and things they’re going to do are going to be way closer to you than normal. Not to dachshund, but come to Michigan. Here’s just showing you some more scenery. I think this is the building that Evan was talking about. I mean cones or maybe not, but it’s so cool. Again, thank you everyone for being here.

I’m currently walking the Nature Boardwalk in Lincoln Park in Chicago, Illinois, getting close to the zoo right now. I am going to see if they will let me in the lion enclosure, but thanks again for being here. Thanks for liking the stream as always and you guys know all the stuff you know that you can be a member of the channel and get a green username.

I have official word, guys: Our friend Lux is getting us hooked up with someone who’s designing some emotes that’s really cool. That’s coming down the bike. I can also confirm starting next week, my stream set up at home is going to be a lot better. Got a new camera, got by-adjacent lighting that I’m going to try to set up, that’ll be really great.

But you know we’re continually working to make things better. You supporting us helps us a lot, so thank you for those of you who are members, who get your green usernames, and who know that you are Lords of the chat. Really appreciate it.

You guys also know about the Patreon. We really appreciate when you guys join that. We’re going to be doing more and more stuff there. But if you guys liked the nihilism video, the trolley prop video, and you do want more detailed philosophical discussion, that’s when you want to consider the Patreon, because I make a video series there where I just talk about philosophy and answer questions and stuff. So that’s the thing you guys can check out if you want.

Thanks for that and thanks for, as always, liking the stream, being here, especially today of all days, thanks for being here for this vaguely fun weird experiment that we’re doing. I’m walking by a zoo right now, you kind of smell the animals.

Okay, back to you Henry. What else do we have? Do you have any more comments? We have a few more. I’m gonna go ahead and fade in on the next one. Not many people know that the Wisecrack logo at about 13 seconds in is a clever reference to the fact that this video was made and uploaded by the Wisecrack YouTube channel. Really makes you think, as they’re finding Easter eggs everywhere. I thought that was funny.

And yes, that’s what we were doing there. That’s where the Easter egg was for. Good eyes. Some of you know this. There was an Easter egg in that video that was specifically for new wall, and by you all, I mean the stream family, those who keep it extra dry. So there was something for you there.

I made it to the next statue. Now this one I talked about Kierkegaard a lot. This is a statue of one of Kierkegaard’s contemporaries, another very famous Danish writer of the 19th century, Hans Christian Anderson. So there you go, Hans Christian Anderson, Danish writer, wrote children’s stories. I think maybe he was kind of a dick historically, but I’m not totally sure.

Next comment: OMG, the reference to Thug Notes was genius. I think this means they’re going to do another series of the best literature show YouTube ever had. Guys, there was no reference to Thug Notes in that video. I really appreciate the enthusiasm of the commenter, but I think this was like accidentally indicative, and it’s maybe my fault for saying there was an Easter egg in the video, but indicative of why Easter egg culture is so weird. That you know, someone, because clearly what happened there, someone watching the video, God bless them, wanted to see a tease about Thug Notes because they want that show to continue, and so they assumed that’s what that Easter egg was about when it was about something else entirely.

So yeah, I think that’s a good example of how Easter eggs work. But yeah, no reference to Thug Notes in that video.