Original Text:

The store was filled with customers.

Paraphrased Text:

The store was bustling with shoppers. quiz and I’m sure you’re familiar with that but this is a little bit different so let’s do something like what is the capital of France and it says great the capital of France is Paris

Hey everyone, Sal here and I wanted to show you an in-depth demo of the new AI that we have happening throughout Khan Academy. What you’re going to see is that it exists in two ways: one is helping students, learners, and teachers with many of the things that people already familiar with Khan Academy and as we’ll see, also introducing a whole new series of activities that you can now do with the artificial intelligence.

So what I see here is a classic Khan Academy exercise but you notice there’s this little bot here so we could click on that and it says, “I’m here to help you with this exercise. Here are a few ideas or things that you can ask me.” And you could ask any of those things but I think what’s really interesting is its ability to be a thoughtful tutor. So if I just say, “Tell me the answer!” exclamation mark, I’m very entitled here, oh I see you’re eager to find the answer but remember I’m here to help you learn how to solve it on your own. Let’s start by looking at the equation, what do you think the first step should be? So notice it’s really doing what you would expect a good tutor to be.

And let me actually do a mistake here so let’s do three minus this is a common mistake when Distributing only multiplying it times the first term minus 18 plus 2m is equal to m. It says oops it looks like there’s a small mistake when you distributed the negative 2 inside the parentheses. I put an upside down smiley face. Make sure you distribute the negative 2 to both terms in the parentheses. The correct distribution would be this. Try again, let me know if you need help. You got this.

And then if I were to write 3 minus 18 minus 4M is equal to m. Great job, you distributed the negative 2 correctly this time. Now you have the following, what do you think the next step should be to solve for M? So as you can tell, this is really doing what we think a really thoughtful tutor would do.

And this doesn’t just work in math, this works across all subjects that Khan Academy has now. It’s not just exercises. This is going to sound like an infomercial, but there’s more you could do with this with videos. This is just a classic Khan Academy video that hopefully many of y’all are familiar with. You can do fun things like write a poem about this video. And so notice in both the previous example where it uh it where I got help with the problem, it already had the context of the problem. It knows what I’m already doing on Khan Academy. Likewise, here it already knows about the video. It’s able to understand what’s actually in the contents of the video. It wrote a very nice poem here:

“In the land of math, where equations play, a problem arose one sunny day. Negative nine minus 9x minus six, a challenge to solve, a puzzle to fix. On the other hand, 3 times 4X plus 6, we must simplify with our math tricks. Distribute we must and combine like terms too, to find the value of x, that’s what we will do.”

And it keeps going on, so that’s fun. But there’s other things you could do. You could say, “Why do I need to learn this?” and it asks, “What are your interests or goals? Knowing that will help me explain how this math concept might be relevant to you.” Say I really love, I don’t know, soccer. See what it says:

“Great! In soccer, math can be quite useful, especially when analyzing player performance, game statistics, and team strategies. Understanding equations like the one in the video can help you grasp more advanced math concepts which can be applied to soccer analytics, predicting player movements, and even optimizing training routines. So learning this math concept can enhance your understanding and appreciation of the beautiful game.”

And gotta love the Emojis it’s doing here! So this is once again across all the videos, all the Articles, all the exercises on Khan Academy. You can even do things like this: “Quiz me!” Obviously, Khan Academy already has a lot of exe quiz and I’m sure you’re familiar with that, but this is a little bit different. So let’s do something like, “What is the capital of France?” and it says, “Great! The capital of France is Paris.”