If you’d like to experience the darkness of Pluto, you already do twice a day. The sun appears a thousand times dimmer than it does from Earth, but that’s still 300 times brighter than the full moon. So you could easily read a book on Pluto during the day.

But you can experience the brightness of a Pluto day right here on Earth every day just before sunrise and just after sunset. NASA calls these moments “Pluto Time” and they’ve put together a calculator that can tell you exactly when your next Pluto Time is. If you go outside at that time, you can get a feeling for Pluto life - that is the brightest it gets during the day on Pluto.

My favorite thing about the Pluto Time calculator is that there’s a “By the Numbers” section that compares Pluto and Earth. Pluto was discovered in 1930, but when was Earth discovered?