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The website is not functioning correctly. Neoliberalism has become a catch-all term to describe why things are bad or unfair or why some folks are so rich. While most of us are pretty broke, for some the term has been overused to the point of meaninglessness or has even become a slur. Neoliberalism is a political and economic movement that emphasizes free markets, limited government intervention (i.e. minimal provision of public services) and unfettered capitalism. Writer and academic David Harvey describes neoliberalism as a theory of political economic practices that proposes that human well-being can best be advanced by liberating individual entrepreneurial freedoms and skills within an institutional framework characterized by strong private property rights, free markets and free trade.

During the post-war period, neoliberalism was something of a fringe position in economics, but the financial shocks of the 70s gave it the perfect opportunity to spread its wings and fly. A neo-liberal is someone who looks around at the various interrelated crises facing our world and believes that the remedy is more capitalism.

Some might point to the era of economic and technological innovation experienced in the West as evidence of neoliberalism’s positive effects or point to countries who have resisted neoliberalism to justify its immense value. Others might feel like neoliberalism has become more like a culture than a system of economics. Maybe the best way to understand neoliberalism isn’t to think of it as a political ideology but rather as an all-encompassing spiritual and metaphysical system.

If you want to learn more about neoliberalism, David Harvey is probably the best person to start reading. You can check out his brief history of neoliberalism or basically any of his books and they’ll be good. He also has some good lectures on YouTube.

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