3 Strategy Tips for Monopoly: The Game That Ruins Friendships and Tears Families Apart

  1. Play by the rules - According to the official rules, unowned property goes to auction. Bidding can start at any price, even a dollar, but it has to start!

  2. Warm colors are hot spots - Orange is the secret winner here. Why? Well, jail is one of the most landed on spaces in the game and once you get out of jail, this is the probability of your dice roll to leave that space. So you want to own the properties people are most likely going to land on.

  3. Hoard your houses - The game gives you 32 houses to split between players. Instead of upgrading to hotels, beef up your housing. The bank can’t sell houses if there are none left. Of course, this only applies if you’re playing by the rules and not having stand-in pieces for extra houses.