The professor said that the assignment was due tomorrow

The professor stated that the assignment must be submitted by tomorrow. action policy

Hotshot, have you ever thought about whether you work to live or live to work? It’s been that way since people started getting the last name Smith because they were the Village Blacksmith. But now, in the era of Silicon Valley, the concept of corporate culture has been disrupted, and it’s gone beyond providing in-office gyms or mentorship programs. Companies are now expected to provide their employees with more than just a job - they’re expected to provide them with meaning, health, friendship, and joy in their professional communities.

This has led to the rise of a “fun sultan” who is in charge of programming workplace fun, inspired by things like Google slides and Facebook’s extracurricular woodworking classes. Some companies have even asked employees to dress up like their favorite animal, or host personal storytelling events.

However, in some cases, the pressure to participate in these activities can lead to employees feeling like they are not team players if they don’t participate. Furthermore, there are stories of workers being “graduated” (fired) for not embracing their company’s culture of fun.

It’s important to note that while having more pizza parties or storytelling events with co-workers might sound fun, it is a poor substitute for the attributes that make a workplace truly attractive - job stability, proper benefits, equal pay, prospects for advancement, flexibility, a respectful and well-resourced environment.