Today at the airport, I was selected for additional screening and the agent riffled through the three books I had with me: John Berger, Philip Bump, and my new acquisition. It was hard for me to get this book, as it was banned and the only way to get a copy was to find someone who had snatched one up before the threat of legal action ceased its publication. This book contains no words, but the further you get into it, the darker it becomes. The title is 50 Shades of Gray (with an a, not an e) - not to be confused with the 2011 erotic romance novel by E.L. James. This is an empty book by Shed Simone, literally just 50 shades of the color gray arranged in sections of decreasing brightness. Unfortunately, Random House thought the title was too similar to their title, so they sent a cease and desist, and he complied. This book has now become very hard to find.