Conmigo: A Powerful AI-Powered Guide

Conmigo is an AI-powered guide designed to help all students learn when subjects are giving them trouble. Conmigo can help Kamika have fun and transform learning into an adventure. It’s not just for students either, teachers can use it too by toggling from student mode to teacher mode. Then, Conmigo transforms into the teaching assistant you’ve always wanted.

Select the activities section to begin and it will show you all of the wonderful things Conmigo can do. You can have a chat with Conmigo and it can give you a class snapshot of how your students are doing. It can also summarize your students’ chat history so you can see what they’ve been up to.

Feeling iffy about an upcoming standard that you’re about to cover? Use Conmigo to refresh your knowledge and then use it again to come up with a creative lesson hook that gets your students excited about your content. Then use it again to write unique, thought-provoking exit ticket questions. Conmigo can create a Humanities lesson plan and help you collaborate with your students to create a fun class summary poem. It can also help you write learning objectives for an upcoming unit and help you co-create a writing rubric for your students’ next essay.

Ready to see Conmigo in action? Let’s start with a creative lesson hook. Conmigo, are you ready to get started? Absolutely! Let’s get going. It’s been a while since I’ve taught Romeo and Juliet, so Conmigo, can you please help me come up with a creative lesson hook for act three of Romeo and Juliet for my 9th grade English class?

Of course you can! Conmigo came up with two fantastic hooks that I can use with my students. Hmm, actually on second thought, a lot of my students think that Shakespeare is boring. Conmigo, can you give me a funny hook that will help keep my students engaged?

Since starting the class with a Shakespearean insop that is hilarious and my students will love it. Thanks Conmico!

Okay Conmigo, I’m going to need a quick check for understanding to use with my students to make sure that they understand act three before moving on to act four. Could you please help me create an exit ticket for them?

Wow, these are wonderful, thought-provoking questions. It’s really going to show me whether or not my students need more support with act 3 of Romeo and Juliet. Thanks so much Conmigo! I think Mr. Shakespeare would approve.

After reviewing my students’ exit tickets, I’m noticing that there are a few students who still aren’t quite grasping the concepts in the play. So, who better to help them than Mr. William Shakespeare himself?

Excuse us, Mr. Shakespeare, but could you please help my class understand why Friar Lawrence didn’t intervene with Romeo and Juliet?

Great explanation! Couldn’t have said it better myself. That was super helpful.

In just a few minutes, Conmigo, my new teaching assistant, just saved me hours of planning time by helping me create quality lesson plans for my students. And Conmigo isn’t just for English. It can also support teachers and students with subjects such as Math, Science, History, and a variety of foreign languages with levels ranging from elementary through college.

Incorporating Conmigo into the classroom is going to be a game changer for teachers. Those insights and suggestions are going to enhance classroom learning and make teachers’ lives easier by saving them so much time. They’ll have the ability to focus on what’s important: their students.

Thank you, Conmigo!