The answer to the question is no

Answer: No. aunting a guard can be seen as a good thing if you’re trying to get them to let you in somewhere else but it could be seen as a bad thing if you’re just trying to start a fight and then you have to consider the context of the situation like what if you’re trying to save someone from a burning building and you need to distract the guard by taunting them well then it’s probably a good thing but if you’re just trying to pick a fight then it’s probably a bad thing

Debates in ethics often revolve around whether something is ethical because of one’s intent or because of their actions. Some believe that ethical intention is most important, even if the outcome isn’t what was expected. Others believe that the effect of one’s actions on others is the most important factor, regardless of one’s internal morality. It can be difficult to determine someone’s morality based on these two criteria, as a person can be internally moral yet never act on these values, or act positively to conceal their true self.

What if our individual ethics and actions had a physical effect on us? This thought experiment is explored in the Fable series, where your choices and actions affect your physical appearance. If you are kind, people will welcome you with open arms. If you are evil, people will flee in fear. This raises the interesting question of what happens when our morality, which is a private thing, becomes public.

There is a difference between how we behave and how we are perceived. People can act in an ethical manner without actually doing ethical things. It is possible for a killer to be seen as a nice person by their neighbors.

We act differently when we believe we are being observed, and eventually we internalize a constant sense of being watched. This helps us to regulate ourselves in line with the ethical norms of our society. However, what is ethical is not always universal, as what may be ethical for some may feel wrong to others. Context is also important when determining what is ethical.