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The website is not functioning. absurd and he who would believe only what is reasonable is not a Christian now this isn’t to say that religion and philosophy are always at odds in fact there are a lot of ways in which these two domains can interact and inform one another and this is where the philosophy of religion comes in this subfield of philosophy examines the relationship between religion and reason and it’s a great way to explore the questions that arise when we’re trying to figure out if religion is something worth taking seriously or if it’s just a relic of the past

The relationship between religion and philosophy has been a long-standing topic of debate. Some believe that the two are fundamentally at odds, while others suggest that they can interact and inform one another. In this wisecrack edition on philosophy and religion, friends or enemies, we will explore the philosophy of religion, a subfield of philosophy that examines the relationship between religion and reason.

Socrates famously criticized traditional conceptions of the ancient Greek gods, arguing that there had to be some type of higher good than these squabbling weirdos. This gave rise to what is sometimes called the euthyphro dilemma: is the holy holy because it is loved by the gods, or do they love it because it is holy?

Soren Kierkegaard argued that religious faith is inherently irrational, putting it in opposition with philosophy’s rational aims. He explored this idea in the story of The Binding of Isaac, in which God commands Abraham to take his only son Isaac up to a mountain and tie him up and stab him. Kierkegaard’s point was not to suggest that religion is dumb, but to show that faith cannot be evaluated by the principles of reason we get in philosophy.

Early Christian thinker Tertullian argued that the mysteries of faith repel reason, writing, “The Son of God died, it is by all means to be believed because it is absurd. He who would believe only what is reasonable is not a Christian.”

So, in the year of Our Lord 2023, is there any point in taking religion seriously? Does philosophy render religion as useful as VHS tapes, or is this whole debate a false dichotomy distracting us from much more interesting questions? Through the exploration of the philosophy of religion, we can find out once and for all if you should be ashamed of your religious upbringing.