Introducing Con Migo, Khan Academy’s AI-powered student tutor and teaching assistant is paving the way for a new era of learning in the classroom. I could see it as a teacher’s virtual assistant, but also helping the kids too - giving them personalized feedback and support right when they need it. It offers step-by-step instructions, guiding the student to the answer without giving it to them. It’s like having your own personal virtual assistant with you at all times.

With Con Migo, teachers are able to differentiate student learning - each student has their own level of learning and pacing. This allows the students that need the most help to receive it, while those that can move on their own can excel. Student engagement is the key to education, and Con Migo gives students the ability to ask personalized questions and get relevant answers. This seamless integration of AI into the foundation of education is made even easier with built-in safeguards for student interaction and chat reports for parents and teachers.

Khan Academy brings its trusted content into the world of AI, and with the benefits of Khan Academy Districts partnership such as professional development, personal support, and data-driven reporting, the future of learning is just a few clicks away. Working with Khan Academy to supplement students’ academic learning is an exciting time, and we’re looking forward to seeing what the future will bring with AI and how it can support students to continue to grow and deepen their knowledge.