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Kanigo is an AI teaching assistant built by Khan Academy and designed to help all students learn. Kanigo has a fun and eccentric personality and is always willing and able to be your creative co-pilot. Conmigo is not just for students, teachers can use Conmigo too by toggling from student mode to teacher mode. Once in teacher mode, Conmigo transforms into the teaching assistant you’ve always wanted. Conmigo is extremely engaging and very knowledgeable, it’s like having an experienced Master teacher in your pocket that has a strong understanding of pedagogical principles.

Kanmigo has many exciting features that support teachers and this video will showcase ways teachers can use Conmigo to get a class snapshot of their class to ensure students are using Conmigo with Fidelity and receiving the support necessary for them to be successful. Class snapshot is a quick overview of how students are performing in class on Khan Academy. It highlights key areas such as recent activity, course Mastery progress, assignments, and skill development. By reviewing the class snapshot that Conmigo provides, teachers can gain insight into students’ learning and identify areas where they may need additional support or encouragement. This snapshot will help you tailor your teaching approach to better meet the needs of your students and ensure they’re on track to achieve their learning goals.

By integrating Conmigo into classroom routines, teachers will be able to take the ideas and suggestions provided by Conmigo and adapt them into classroom-specific content, considering factors like student needs, learning goals, and available resources. Incorporating Conmigo into the classroom is going to be a game changer for teachers. Conmigo’s insights and suggestions are going to enhance classroom learning and make teachers’ lives easier by saving them time, so they’ll have the ability to focus on what’s important: their students.

Let’s get a class snapshot of how my students are progressing in their Algebra 1 course. Conmigo, could you please give me a class snapshot of my Algebra 1 students? With one click of the button, Conmigo can give me a high-level overview of my students’ performance for the past seven days. Conmigo then gives me the option to see which students should be celebrated for working on their assignments. It’ll give me a list of students who are above 25 on their course Mastery goal. It allows me to group my class into three groups based on their progress for the week, and it also lets me see who needs a check-in about their skills progress for that week.

Now I know I love to celebrate my students and that’s one of my favorite things, so that’s the one that I’m going to select. As much as I love celebrating my students, Conmigo knows it’s important to look at all of my students, especially the ones who may be struggling or stuck. So, Conmigo suggests that I view my students’ assignment scores report, and Conmigo also provides the link for me so it’s easily accessible.

I noticed that several of my students are struggling with solving systems of equations, which honestly is not my favorite thing to teach. But not to worry, I have my teaching assistant! I can chat with Conmigo anytime while I’m logged into my Khan Academy account. It can help me navigate the site, find engaging content for my students, and can even give me tips on teaching. Conmigo, what should the objectives be for systems of equations, and can you recommend an activity for my students? Wonderful! Conmigo, can you provide a video that I can assign to my students for this lesson? Perfect! Thank you for providing the link.

Also, Conmigo, thank you. This is great and from the screen I can easily assign this lesson to my students. Thanks, Conmigo! One last thing; looking at my students’ report I noticed that Jason is really struggling, and you did give me a heads up about that. So, I was wondering, could you please help me draft a progress report for him that I can send home to his family? This is great, Conmigo. Thank you!