in trying it out you can go to their website and sign up

Did you know that Khan Academy just launched their AI-based education chatbot, Khan Mego? It’s a beta tool that is available on their website and gives you a preview of what the chatbot looks like. It looks pretty legit!

I love chatbots for learning new things; I’ve been using them as a tutor. However, the problem is that you actually need to know the subject in order to figure out what type of questions to ask. If you’re new to the subject, it’s not that helpful.

Khan Mego covers a variety of topics, including coding. This example looks pretty good because it doesn’t give the answer straight away. This is what I love; if you ask a question, it won’t just give you the answer. Instead, it encourages you to think about the problem differently and gives you hints. This is important for learning, as it allows you to spend time and figure it out on your own.

Currently, there is a wait list, so if you’re interested in trying it out, you can go to their website and sign up.