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The app is not functioning properly. exicans to be like Florida that’s what I’m saying but yeah so that’s the pleasure Dome that’s the story that’s the legend of the pleasure Dome

Thanks for joining us this Thursday, y’all! It’s June 1st, 2023 and we have Wisecrack Live with Burns coming up in a moment. What’s up everyone? It’s Wisecrack Live and it’s June 1st - happy June! Let’s hear it in the chat if June is your favorite month and why. Oh yeah, is it yours? June is my favorite month because my birthday’s in June. When’s your birthday, Henry? Oh my God, guys! It’s Henry’s birthday stream, so make sure you give Henry a lot of love. It’s also Pride Month, so both Pride and Henry’s birthday are the two most important parts of June.

Hey everyone, thanks for being here and liking the stream. Wait, is there anything else in June besides those three things? I don’t really think so. I hope I didn’t forget something important. Oh yeah, it’s also Juneteenth! It’s a great month. We got Henry’s birthday, Pride, and Juneteenth - I don’t think there’s anything else.

Someone said Flag Day - what does that do? Dog named Cat said Michael, tell us about the pleasure dome. Last week I did a little pleasure dome talk, so if you didn’t see that and you wanted to know how we make the magic here at Wisecrack, you can go check that out.

I went to elementary school next to a place called the pleasure dome. It turns out this suburban Orlando house was a sex club for older people. Every room in the house was turned into a different sex-themed room and money was involved. In suburban Florida, if we want to make America into Florida, we want all of Amexicans to be like Florida. That’s the legend of the pleasure dome. Eric Sandler’s comment “14 year old I cut off my hand cleaning a butcher saw mom’s for Liberty but are you gay guys” is one of the best comments Wisecrack has ever had on a video. Another comment reads “Me in History Class 25 years ago boy am I glad I wasn’t a kid back then me in 2023 boy am I glad I’m not a kid now.” Ocean Water’s comment about working in a seafood processing plant in Alaska with a 14 year old and his 16 year old sister is intense. it’s like the international proletariat and you know Mr Worldwide is is a great example of that

We had to work 16-hour days for less than minimum wage since they docked 20% of our pay for room and board. To get extra food, you needed to buy company tokens to exchange for extra snacks. It was a closed campus so you weren’t allowed to leave the bunk house unless it was to go to the grocery store and everyone else was only allowed to leave once every two weeks.

This sounds like a work camp where children work and their pay is docked, and if you need extra food you buy company tokens. This is like Dickensian England right here, pretty dark.

Someone in the chat said, “Funny how the crowd that always says ‘Won’t someone think of the children’ is real quiet about this.” There are some comments to that regard on this video, but again that was the whole thing with the child labor thing that we thought was funny - not funny but like darkly funny ironic that a lot of the people in America whose whole political project is like, “Think of the children, no no no” or just like put them in factories, it’s not good.

As an adult who worked on the kill floor of a slaughterhouse, no one under 18 should be there. It was one of those dangerous jobs I’ve done, and like all jobs, not for everyone. I’m also furious none of the workers blew the whistle though.

This comment from Proof Rock says, “I taught children from Central America who worked for farms and factories in Southern Indiana. They were exploited and exhausted and had no time for schoolwork or community activities. They failed classes and were pushed through the system so the privileged kids could have fun and go into better things. Serfdom is alive and well in the United States.”

It just sucks and we are all aware of it. Scarlet Voss pointed out that Pitbull is Mr Worldwide who transcends states and countries. Mr Worldwide is a model for all of us, and in the Marxist tradition, it’s like the international proletariat, and Mr Worldwide is a great example of that. th grade science project

Here’s the thing: We’re not a politics stream, and we don’t do politics. David had some great questions though: What makes a rock valuable? What differentiates us from animals? A rock becomes valuable either in its use value or its market value. When it comes to differentiating us from animals, some say it’s our reason and capacity for logic, while others say it’s our ability to self-determine. An existentialist might say that existence precedes essence, and what makes us interesting is our ability to self-determine. A contour or Aristotle might say it’s our ability for reason, while someone in the psychoanalytic tradition might say it’s our ability for anxiety and Neurosis that makes us especially human.

When Ron DeSantis announced his presidential bid on Twitter, it was a total [__] show. We want to welcome you to this historic Twitter Spaces event. It was not a good announcement, and there were historic numbers - more people have watched videos we’ve made about an episode of Rick and Morty than watched that announcement. It was like 20 minutes of that Trump had the golden escalator, and Ron DeSantis got the world’s most embarrassing 4th grade science project. Ron DeSantis is 44 years old, although he looks much younger than that. It’s not just him either, as Bernie Sanders is 49 and AOC is only 12. Joshua was Ubering in Tallahassee during his inauguration, and GOP 50 year olds were saying he’s very attractive. Julia thinks being white and living in Florida ages you, which is why it was abusive that her parents made her move there. Ron DeSantis made hats for his campaign that said “Make America Florida” and he has a speechwriter that has praised Nick Fuentes, a notorious white nationalist.

Vox looks better than the boxes, according to him. They’re now watching a video from The Guardian to get the British perspective on American politics. Ron DeSantis has said that we need courage to lead and win, and he’s inviting everyone to join him in this historic Twitter Spaces event. There are currently 258,000 people in attendance, and it’s the who’s who of people from God to Elon Musk. It’s not a lot of people, which is a good sign. I love how they framed it as breaking the internet with this historic thing. I’d like to introduce the folks in the room, starting with Elon Musk. His decision to purchase this platform last year to restore its original mission as a beacon for free speech and even to expose Twitter’s past complicity with a government censorship regime might have surprised many but not those of us who have worked with Elon for nearly a quarter century. Governor DeSantis first drew my attention and support when I saw how he responded to the Covid-19 pandemic and refused to believe what we now know to be the many falsehoods that government experts and their media mouthpieces were feeding us. Others in the studio include Tommy Lauren, One America, and Caitlyn Jenner. DeSantis kept Florida schools open and the economy thriving while California chose two years of learning loss and lockdowns that we have yet to fully recover from.

When Musk said Twitter servers were being overwhelmed, it was not that many people, just a massive number of people online. We are reallocating more server capability to handle the load. It was exciting to have coverage of this historic moment with over half a million people.

Karina brings up the question of how someone like Caitlyn Jenner can support someone who is anti-trans. A lot of people in America and around the world have a primary allegiance to their class more so than communities grounded on race, gender, sexual identity, etc. Caitlyn’s primary allegiance to class is what aligns her more with DeSantis and the right than with left-leaning people who are pushing for inclusivity and liberation for trans and queer people. This is also why Caitlyn’s stepdaughters, like Kim Kardashian, who in many ways one would think would lean liberal, were also quite right-wing. Twitter verification is real, and the account can’t be fake. Along with the Ron DeSantis debacle, we don’t do political predictions on this show. However, it seems that DeSantis will be the President. Let’s have a fun game instead! Who do you think will be the winner of the 2024 presidential election in America? We’re not asking who you want to win, just straight up predictions. If you had to bet money on it, who do you think will be the President in 2024? The NAACP had to issue a travel advisory in response to Senator Rick Scott’s ridiculous travel advisory warning that the State of Florida is “openly hostile towards socialist Communists and those who enable them”. This is both funny and concerning, and it highlights the two-party system in the US, where socialism is seen as a position that’s not really considered. California may appear liberal, but the real estate developer Lobby and influence from Silicon Valley and Hollywood make it a place that is not necessarily left-leaning. inge of freedom but then the Constitution cements it and then prevents the government or any foreign entity from getting in the way of it.

The article states that the sting of inequality is what motivates people to strive for an egalitarian ideal. Frederick Douglass argued that attaining literacy altered his expectations of how others should treat him. This is interesting because when it comes to Americans, freedom is often put above equality. This could be due to its historic roots, as Americans haven’t had the same kind of social reconciliation as other countries. Mr. Gert states that freedom comes from God, and the Constitution cements it to prevent the government or any foreign entity from getting in the way of freedom.