negative 30 and then this would be 74 so this is 74 degrees Celsius and this is what they need to heat it to so they need to heat it to 74 degrees Celsius or higher so what we can do is we can include 74 we can fill in the circle and then we can include all the values that are higher than that so it would look something like this it would look something like that

Pierre has 48 minutes to get ready for his dance lesson. If he wants to spend some time playing with his pet before getting ready, he can spend anywhere from 0 to 48 minutes. This can be represented on a number line as follows:

0    10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100
        48 (filled circle)

The Harris family needs to heat their leftover gumbo to a minimum of 74 degrees Celsius to be sure it is safe to eat. This can be represented on a number line as follows:

-10  0    10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90   100
        74 (filled circle)
If `T` is greater than or equal to 74 degrees Celsius, we will put an open circle at 74 degrees and we're done.