Finding a perfect first apartment for a couple can be a difficult task, especially with rent prices at an all-time high. It’s not just the money they have to worry about, however; according to the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center, rental scams have seen a 64% increase in 2021, with over $350 million lost. These scams involve fake listings, and those behind them are after more than just money; they want your data, including bank account information.

The couple is frustrated; all they want to do is see the apartment in person, but something is always coming up that makes it impossible. They feel they have found the perfect one, and are ready to send the deposit, but they are worried it may be a scam.

Rental scams are so successful because they play on deeply rooted psychological tendencies like the fear of missing out (FOMO). Humans tend to think bad stuff won’t happen to them, but if someone is convinced they’re too clever to be scammed, they might miss the warning signs.

In the current scarcity of the rental market, it is important to remember a few key things: physically see the property, remember if it sounds too good to be true it probably is, and only send money to those you know and trust.

Brought to you by Zell, who wants you to find your perfect home without getting scammed along the way.