The application is not working correctly

The application is not functioning properly. in it did we switch the thumbnail to put politic in it yes we did and if you don’t like that we can talk about it in the chat but I’m just saying like that’s what the video is about

Hey everyone! Thank you for joining us on this May 4th. It’s Wisecrack Live and we have lots to talk about today.

As some of you might know, there’s a big strike on and none of the televisual content is going to be created for a while because the writers are striking. We will have a screenwriter Colby day on to talk about this from the perspective of a WGA writer.

In the chat, someone has rated Stargate at the top of the list. Is Stargate propaganda? I’m not familiar with it, but we can talk about it.

We got a message that our sales team is asking Wisecrack to do something on Transformers to get money to stay alive as a channel.

We also made a video on Monday about what philosophy is for looking at the history of philosophy. Different philosophers have conceived of the role of the discipline and part of that is political stuff. We switched the title and thumbnail of the video to include the word “political”, and if you don’t like that, we can talk about it in the chat. Day two of the Writers Guild of America strike is underway, with production halted for several prominent late night shows. Negotiations have stopped hours before the deadline, with the two groups not appearing to be close to making a deal. The Writers Guild released a side-by-side comparison of what they were asking for with the studio’s offer, with one of the main issues being the use of AI technology to write literary content. Another key issue is residuals, with writers getting a fraction of the residual checks they used to get when something re-aired on network broadcasts. They are asking for a larger bulk of the residual pie, while the studio producers are giving them just a fraction. The Writers Guild also wants to see a minimum amount of weeks throughout the year that writers are guaranteed to work. In the past, when writers wrote for shows like “Friends” they were guaranteed to work for 30 something weeks, getting paid per week plus script rates. Now, with more shows, writers are having to live off other money when they are not on that trail and are developing their own projects. The last strike was 100 days, which is just north of three months. This time, however, experts are warning that the strike could last for six months to a year. Compared to the last strike 15 years ago, there are a few differences. For one, streaming platforms are much more prevalent now, and there is a lot more reality television programming. The last strike gave rise to streaming platforms, and it was during this time that the Kardashians became popular. Now, the big question is: will the Kardashians be okay? ash you it’ll be like hey you’re about to go to a sketchy website you sure you want to do this so I recommend checking it out

Yeah, maybe it is South African and another interesting key point here is that this strike is happening after a lot of amazing stuff. He’s Maori from New Zealand, which is great. We’re just doing this for fun, we like accents, it’s fun. The season finales for shows have already aired, and the last strike in 2007 was kind of in the middle, so there were some shows that fans never saw resolve, they never saw conclusions because the shows just went away.

Someone said to writers not to the script for reality TV. Here’s what’s interesting: reality TV staffs have writers on them, however they are non-union. On all the reality shows, of course someone writes the stuff that the hosts say, someone writes up games and activities, they structure narratives, all this sort of stuff, but they are not union writers, so they are able to keep working. A lot of game shows are like that as well, they all have writers, but many of them are non-union.

That’s why we’re still going to get reality shows, and we’re gonna get a lot of them. I wouldn’t be shocked too if we see a push on a lot of streaming networks to lots of non-American shows as well, because those will all be getting produced still.

Are you ready for the next season of MILF Manor? So guys, he’s not here today, but if anyone hasn’t listened to it, I was on an episode of Vox podcast, the podcast that our friend Doctor Professor Christopher Maverick PhD, who’s often in the chat, is a Vox podcast host, where I got to talk to him and his co-host Monica Marvelous about MILF Manor. I’ve shared my thoughts there, you can hear them. Henry, I don’t think it’s coming back, I think there could be endless writer strikes, and I don’t think that MILF Manor is ever coming back because it’s a horrible show, it’s just horrible in every way.

Before we watch this next video, guys, this stream does have a sponsor. Maybe we just pull the website up, oh I think it’s just If you’re able to pull that up, awesome. So guys, this is a real thing. I don’t know if you guys ever do this, but sometimes on the internet, and this is a real thing, I great, this is, am I doing what is in a sense an ad read for coming, it’s sponsoring the stream, yes, but what I’m saying to you is is real right now.

Sometimes I click things online, it could be when I’m looking to download some music, sometimes I download books illegally, sometimes I get to websites that don’t look great and I click things, and when I click things, it’s like I’m playing a game of Russian Roulette, and sometimes I click the wrong thing, and I go to weird websites, and you get pop-ups and maybe someone’s getting your data, all this sort of stuff. is a company that’s worked with Wisecrack before, it’s an extension for your browser, and it basically helps you not have that happen to you. We still have a code, and I think you can go to, or just type in wisecrack when you go there, but I would say it is worth looking into if you ever click on sketchy links if you’re just out here on the internet, if you’re being like a little weird on the internet, and I know some of you look at weird stuff. I’m not judging, we’re not here to King Shame or whatever, but it just can really help you from not getting jammed up, so I recommend checking out, it works really well, and literally once you have the extension put in there, you try to click something, it’ll sash you, it’ll be like, “Hey, you’re about to go to a sketchy website, you sure you want to do this?” So I recommend checking it out, ames guys at the top that are benefiting from the lack of solidarity between different types of labor and work so let’s change that.

Colby’s words resonated with everyone in the chat, showing their support for the WGA. It’s important to remember that the labor unions are fighting for all of us, and the outcome of their efforts can have a positive effect on other industries and other unions. We should all stand in solidarity and support each other, as the same people at the top benefit from the lack of solidarity between different types of labor and work. Let’s change that. Follow Colby on Twitter (@coldleaders) and the WGA accounts to stay informed and show your support.