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The web page is not responding. lot of people don’t like that but it’s the world we live in so uh yeah so those are the topics I would want to talk about if it was a normal stream but today we’re just gonna take a little tour around the studio and you know answer any questions you have so don’t forget to like the stream and uh yeah that’s it I think

Hey there y’all, Henry here saying welcome to a special edition of Wisecracker Live! Thanks for joining us this Wednesday. We’re going to be with you in just a moment and give you a bit of a BTS tour, and we’re gonna get real involved with the chat today, so any questions you have in mind, get them ready. Thank you.

Also, while we break down the fourth wall and show you our studio space, don’t forget to like the stream. Thank you!

Shout out to Nelson, he likes to playfully be called Captain, but whatever if you’re into the brevity thing. Thank you!

Hey y’all, thanks again for joining us. This is Henry here reminding you that yes, it’s a bit of a strange time for us today here Wednesday instead of the usual Thursday, but we’re going to give you a bit of a BTS tour. Michael’s here with you and we’re gonna be switching over in just a moment. Don’t forget to like that stream if you haven’t, and thanks again.

Hey everyone, it’s Michael here. Listen, we had to cancel the stream tomorrow, so but we wanted to check in. Henry and I could not go a week without hanging out with some of our friends, you know friends like Outright Tiny and Lexa and Brier and Nelson and so many green user names. We got John Christopher Maverick here making people do math questions. We just wanted to hang out with you guys and we thought it might be fun to show you how we make the donuts, or in Italian, how we make it a pizza.

So we’re in our actual Studio space today, or I don’t think anyone’s ever really seen before. So let’s start with this, I’ll show you the view. It’s a very gray and toxic Sky day here in Los Angeles, California. Here, I’ll flip it around and let you guys just see the depths of the smog. So there you go. The ocean is out that way, everyone, oh sometimes we can see it. There’s some mountains that way, very exciting stuff.

And you know, ask questions about stuff in the chat as we go. So that’s the view there. I’m not going to tell you exactly what part of town our office is in, because that’ll be insane and you could come here and try to murder me. Henry’s not here though, so he would live.

There’s a bunch of like offices and stuff in here where we don’t really do stuff. Like look at this, it’s like a room, you know, very nice guys that’s here and edit stuff, but not really for us. Another room which is a bunch of in it, you know, it’s like what is all this, why do we have it, whose is it? I don’t know. There’s some scooters over there.

Right now you’re looking at The Tick Tock offices, that is The Tick Tock headquarters. So I wanted to make sure you at least saw that, and then here’s where our the company we work with, they have a bunch of tick tock channels and they film in front of this green screen, so you know, if anyone’s ever really wanted to like do some edits, um, where they put me anywhere, here’s some green screen footage right here.

If we have any video editors feel free to capture that and just put me uh put me anywhere, but it’s not the most exciting thing you know in the world there. Um, Henry let me know you, I’m gonna I’m I have my the chat up but I’m gonna do a little lap in here for a bit.

Um, and I will say this, normally if we were doing the normal stream today, a couple things I would want to talk about: I would want to talk about how Senator Rick Scott from Florida put out a travel advisory for socialists, Communists and other leftists should not travel to Florida because it’s dangerous for them. So shout out to all my Floridians.

I might also want to talk today about how Elon Musk is announcing, sorry that what’s the guy we hate, Marco, not Marco Rubio, Ron DeSantis is announcing his presidential campaign with Elon Musk. Guys, this is the world we live in, we live in a world where Ron DeSantis and Elon Musk are teaming up. A lot of people don’t like that, but