The user should click on the link to open the document.

The user should click on this link to open the document. Kelly spicy and that was wrong and I apologize for that I don’t want to make light of a serious situation and I apologize for that uh and then the other one was um I said you know I’m not upper class and I’m not trying to make light of people who are in poverty or who are in a difficult situation I’m just trying to say that I’m not wealthy and I apologize if that offended anyone

Welcome to Wisecrack Live! It’s Michael Burns here with producer Henry. We’re excited to have you here for the next couple of hours.

Someone asked if they should make more coffee for the stream and I say yes! We all need more coffee.

We appreciate everyone who has already thrown down some money and subscriptions. You can also support us by gifting memberships.

Someone has a six hour layover at LAX and I feel for them. It’s not a great airport to have a layover in because there’s not a lot you can do there.

I recently moved to a new desk and got some new shelves in the corner of my living room. I live in a small apartment and will soon have a tiny baby living with us, so I needed a space to stream without bothering anyone else.

We recently released a video about how we’ve appropriated language from therapy into our day-to-day lives. I really liked it and I hope you check it out.

I want to apologize for making light of a serious situation when I described something as “Michael spicy” and not “R Kelly spicy”. I also want to apologize if I offended anyone when I said I’m not upper class. I’m not trying to make light of people who are in poverty or a difficult situation, I’m just trying to say that I’m not wealthy. can just join our patreon and you never have to hear it again it’s as simple as that

I appreciate that Devil’s Advocate said ADHD isn’t a personality, which is the point of the video - that mental illnesses and neurodivergencies do not make up a person’s personality and are often abused for the sake of industry. I recommend checking out Chris Maverick’s podcast, Vox Podcast, which I was a guest on with Monica Marvelous discussing MILF Manor.

There were some comments on the Therapy Speak video about how ironic it was that we were advertising for BetterHelp. To clarify, we do sell ads to make money so we can make videos, but we also have ads coming out soon for companies that we are excited about.

If you don’t like ads, but still want the channel to exist, you can join our Patreon and never have to watch ads again. Guys, we got Sean Godsey, Nick Collins of Thoron coming on later; we gotta get to 666 for them. It’s a pretty satanic show they made. I’ll also say one of my favorite comedic and voice acting talents in the world, Sabrina Christine Johnson, does voices in the show we’re gonna watch, so if you don’t know about her work you’re about to know and it’s going to change your life. Styling Thailand says their Grandma’s watching this with them, so hello Grandma! That’s sick that you’re watching this; I wish I had a grandma to watch stuff with me, Blake. I’m glad you’re here, catching it live. Um, okay let’s watch this. Hey guys, you know we’re less than 400 concurrents away from Raw Dome. I think though we’re probably not gonna get there today. Once we get close to a thousand Henry, we’re gonna have to get like a graphic that says Raw Dome or something that we can put on the screen when it happens, just to give you a heads up. Um, okay let’s watch Tucker Carlson’s strange hostage videotape from his wood-lined basement. Is that like the Declaration of Independence behind it or something? Who knows? I think it’s Tucker Carlson.

One of the first things you realize when you step outside the noise for a few days is how many nice people there are in this country. Eric Bettingfield says Tucker Carlson looks like the guy who got a DUI in high school but got out of it because his dad’s a lawyer. I think he probably is that guy. I did watch most of this video before he starts talking about how nice people are and you start thinking, like, “Oh, you know, maybe he’s a good guy,” and then it pivots hard.

Indeed, who really cares about what’s true and a bunch of hilarious people? Also, a lot of those it’s got to be the majority of the population, even now. So that’s it. Look at us.

The other thing you notice when you take a little time off is how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are. I love this. So, Tucker starts with, like, when you step away for a bit, when you get fired, you realize how nice and funny everyone is, and then you realize how stupid everything that happens on TV is.

My guy, you have been one of the main hosts of the most watched news station in the United States of America for like over a decade, and before that you were on CNN, which was then the most watched news station. What’s up, Howard? Glad that you’re here. Who is he talking about? It’s becoming a little bit cliche at this point, but it is the “I think you should leave” guy in the hot dog suit sketch. Just in life, gotta find the guy who did this.

Completely, they mean nothing in five years. We won’t even remember. Someone said 666, but I only see 664. If I see 666, we’ll do it, and you know it’s a big day for 666 because that woman, I forget her name—hopefully she’s in healthy. I remember that we had them. Trust me, as someone who’s participated and yet at the same time, and this is the amazing thing—the undeniable—why is everyone else seeing bigger numbers than I am? I’m stuck at 664. All right, is there a confirmation of 666, Henry? I see 672. Okay then, I gotta go 6-6-6. I’m gonna get this new lighting system guys and I have a remote that I haven’t figured out how to use yet. I’m gonna get a red setting so when we get to 666 we’ll go full dark. It’s just kind of fun. My friend Bear who plays drums in my band is also just my good friend. He wore the shirt the other day that says “Stress is Satan”. I like the idea that stress is Satan.

Thank you so much for liking the stream and being here. We’re talking about everyone getting fired starting with the bad guys and then the good guys. We don’t do this because we want to be disrespectful, it’s just kind of fun.

Tucker Carlson wants a legitimate debate about corporate power. He could have just done it. Political parties and their donors have reached consensus on what benefits them and they actively collude to shut down any conversation about it. The United States looks very much like a one-party state.

Nobody actually believes the current orthodoxies; hardly anyone’s life is improved by them. This moment is too inherently ridiculous to continue and so it won’t. The people in charge know this, that’s why they’re hysterical and aggressive. They’re afraid and have given up persuasion, resorting to force, but it won’t work. When honest people say what’s true calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful. article is like okay here’s the article and I’m like okay I’m gonna read it and Henry’s like okay I’m gonna read it and then I’m like okay I’m gonna read it and Henry’s like okay I’m gonna read it too so we have like two people reading the article at the same time which I think is really cool so

Today was a bit tough, but we got through it! We kicked off the show with a title that might have scared some people, but Letter W made a great point that the only person who might take Burns’ place temporarily is Helen. I’m going to be taking some leave starting in July to be with my baby and Helen will be posting some videos during that time. We might even do some shorter streams when I’m back, since I really enjoy hanging out with all of you! We’re seeing huge cutbacks in ad revenue in the media industry, not just BuzzFeed. CNN, The Washington Post, and even my employer have all had rounds of layoffs. We should check out the article on AI jobs to see what the future of media is going to look like without a media industry. Henry and I always have the same article up on our screens and read it at the same time, which is really cool! ury said the player the player is such a good movie and I agree with that

I’m curious in the chat: What show or movie has ever made you think, “I could do better than that; I could write better than that”?

Some of the responses included Legion, Star Wars franchise, Mandalorian, Phoenix, Marvel movies, Clone Wars, TNT’s Animal Kingdom, Emily in Paris, The Player, and Californication. Thorin was an idea started by Sean and Nick during the pandemic as a way to keep making things together from their respective bedrooms. They decided to bring back Thorin, a character from a short film they had made in 2012, and create a space sci-fi comedy about a freelance conqueror. They wanted each episode to feel like its own short film, but with a light through line.

The team behind Thorin consists of just Sean and Nick, who are both animators and work in similar fields.