The feature is not available

The feature is not currently available. ings getting at in the video is that like online friendship is a really weird thing because it’s like you can have a lot of friends online and then you can have like zero friends online and it’s like it doesn’t really matter because you’re still getting the same thing out of it which is like the feeling of being connected to something bigger than yourself and it’s like it’s a weird thing but it’s also really cool because it’s like you’re still getting that feeling even if you don’t have a lot of people that you’re connected with in person.

Thank you all for joining us for Wisecrack Live today! Henry here, saying hello and, uh, Michael will be with us in a moment. We got a little surprise today, uh, can anyone guess where Michael is? Good morning Alexa, June’s birthday is today, so let’s unite and enjoy the end of the month as we, uh, head into July. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Some pretty great guesses as to where Michael is, you’ll all find out in just a moment. While we wait, don’t forget to like the stream and happy birthday Matthew! Hey, what’s up everyone? Um, it’s Wisecrack Live, and we’re broadcasting live from a place - it’s a really secret location, I’m sure none of you have the slightest idea, uh, where this is, except that you do - it’s it’s our our studio here at Wisecrack.

I’m gonna change one thing on a camera setting real quick as we as we keep going, um, awesome. So that’s we’re here today. We’re here, I saw some people making guesses related to, um, pregnancy maternity wards, I saw someone talking about butts and stuff. Um, I am here today because we’re filming some extra Wisecrack videos to get ahead before I’m on my parental leave. It’s a little scary though, because I’m in this office and I looked in the the new CEO of the company’s in another room, so I hope he doesn’t come in here and ask to, uh, to get on the stream or anything. I wouldn’t really like that, you know. I don’t this isn’t for him, is what I would say.

But how’s everyone doing? I see the chat as active. Logan, normally that’s where it is, but I shouldn’t joke like that. Um, I was someone said office tour, Hector said office tour part two. I’ll tell you why I’m not going to do that, because because we’re fixed - we’re in a fixed setup now. I’m not I’m not moving from this point. People are talking about Canada, Nelson, I will tell the CEO that you specifically said hi. Alexis here. Um, do we think today is a 420 day? Schedule 35 day? I hope you decide what to take for the stream, everyone. Wow. Um, everyone let Alexa know what to do.

I will say while we’re here, because you know Alexa mentioned this, we did have a Schedule 35 on a recent video. Again, I’ll say that we’ve used their stuff, we like their stuff, if you’re at all interested, um, you can go to and you can enter code Wisecrack for those of you who like codes, who like using codes, who feel like using a secret code makes you special, so consider consider doing that.

I’m kind of getting set up as we go today, because you know I I just got here. I wanted to get here earlier, but some of you might have heard this - this is a really original thing for me to talk about. Um, LA has has traffic. There’s traffic - no way! What? Yeah, this is what is this? I know, guys, this is pretty crazy. Um, there is there’s traffic in the city of Los Angeles, so I had to deal with that for a bit. So there you go.

Um, well, since we were last together, we had a couple videos come out on the channel. Um, one of them is about this pro, this, uh, what’s the word I’m looking for? This process of insidification. I don’t know if you if you guys heard if you’ve heard about in shitification. It’s this idea, um, this writer Corey Doctorow came up with, that everything is getting shittier - like things were getting nicer, things were getting better in our world, and now they’re getting shittier. Uh, so that video is kind of about that. Um, Julia, thank you for liking the videos a lot this week. Really appreciate it.

But we use that concept to talk about online friendship which I think is very apropos. Uh, Maeve, you can make all the 405 jokes you want to 70%

It appears that the pandemic has caused a crash in the Airbnb market. Fewer people are working from home and fewer people are taking vacations in states like Montana, Texas, and Tennessee, so the demand for Airbnbs has decreased significantly. Additionally, the supply of Airbnbs has gone up, further contributing to the crash. It will be interesting to see how many Airbnb owners are stubbornly holding onto their properties, as many of them have seen their revenues drop by 50 to 70%.

In addition to this, it was mentioned that Bill Burr is a nice guy, as evidenced by a brief interaction in a coffee shop. It was noted that he was polite and amenable, and he treated the person he interacted with like a human being. However, some of the more seasoned Airbnb operators who got in before the pandemic will have room to work with; they paid less, have a cheaper mortgage and more experience. Additionally, this person has more content and data in the coming weeks. Kayla mentioned rent to own cars for driving for Lyft. A special shout out to all the master daters out there. Henry attached himself to the concept of nimbyism, which is not something that sounds glamorous even if targeting something like Airbnb. If we can get to 666, there will be a live tutorial on stream. This content was so close and maybe the spiciest thing ever done on stream. talked about the power of words and how like if someone calls you something like that like what would you do um so yeah there you go guys we got a lot of cool stuff coming up and I’m excited about it

Like the stream, we got some real freak behavior going on here. Today, we’re gonna get to film some videos in here. Shouts to Producer Olivia of Wisecrack for the 420th like! We’re working on education and cynicism today. We’re doing a video on the philosophy of cynicism, and we’re also looking at Palo Frere, the Brazilian educator philosopher theorist. We’ll also be filming a video on Jordan Peterson where he dared someone to call him “CIS” to his face. Nelson, you didn’t volunteer for it, but I assume you’ll give someone 20 bucks if they do this! We got a lot of cool stuff coming up and I’m excited about it.