The dog barked loudly

The dog let out a loud bark. *** could take that don’t involve the constant pauses and it’s just not a good look for the stream okay so I think this is a valid concern and we do take it into consideration um I think it’s important to note that we’re not trying to be purposefully annoying or anything like that it’s just that sometimes I need to take a pause to think about what I’m gonna say next or to make sure I’m getting my point across clearly and that’s why we have the pauses um but I’m sorry if it’s annoying to some of you it’s not something we intend to do and we’ll try to keep them to a minimum yeah I think it’s important to keep the pauses to a minimum but also important to take the time to make sure we’re getting our points across clearly so that everyone’s on the same page and can understand what we’re talking about okay so that’s the first comment let’s move on to the next one Henry.

Happy Thursday everyone! Henry here with Wisecrack Live, thanking you for being here with us. Mike will be on shortly and we’re going to have a good day. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’m glad to see all the banana appreciation going on in the chat. We’ll be with you all shortly, just wrangling up a few comments last minute.

Once again, thanks for joining us y’all! It’s Henry here with Wisecrack Live, we’ll be with you in just a moment. Thank you! I see when I look down is Honeyman 1917 saying “Bring us the bald man”. I don’t know who that is. I guess that’s a side character or something.

What’s up guys, it’s Wisecrack Live. Sorry for starting late. Um, confession right off the bat, I’m gonna have to take some bites of food early on on today’s stream because I haven’t really had to eat a lot yet and uh eating is important of that age where you know maybe it’s low blood sugar maybe it’s something else I can get a little I can get a little loopy.

Um, but hey glad to see everyone. Why did we just decide to call me Mike is a bit today? Is this like a collective bit I missed? Um, I’m here with producer Henry, uh hello! We got stuff to talk about today. So what is with this mic bit? Is this a bit Henry? Are they just is this Earnest? This is new, this is new to me, but I mean I know you prefer Michael. I myself also find I don’t know the the mic comments are getting to me. Yeah you know what, I’ll take bald man or bald man over over Mike any day any day of the week.

You know there’s requests to take the hat off. I’m not gonna. I mean everyone knows if you’ve been here for a while, you know when the hat comes off we have a number that is established once that number of concurrent viewers is met. Guys, that’s coming off, you’re gonna see what’s going on underneath and I’ll tell you this, it’ll surprise you. It will surprise you.

Okay, we got a lot of stuff to do as normal. Um, what are we gonna do today? We’re gonna talk about hmm, let’s see. Yeah, we’re gonna look in the comments. Um, I want to talk there’s an article about degree inflation and jobs that require college degrees that don’t need them which I think is interesting to look into. Got a lot of videos loaded, should we just throw on is is The Tick Tock thing still live because I got it in the playlist? Yeah, I’m just gonna click it and we’ll see if we’ll see what happens in the watch together for the CEO to be. I’ll resume shortly. Okay, cool.

Oh, but now it like rewinded all the way to the beginning right? Well, it’s a bipartisan committee on the hill. Yeah, so we’ll maybe tune back into this later guys. There’s a uh uh what is it a center a congress trial about Tick Tock because the the government’s going to try to shut it down because they hate your tick-tocking. Um, we’re all being mind controlled into making NyQuil chicken. Oh no.

Um, and what’s up members? Good to see you. Um, let’s see. Well, let’s just okay, let’s start with this. Um, we’ll talk some comments from the last week. I guess Henry, I’ll read them in the order they showed up in the email. Yeah, yeah, starting with the man I swear to God. Oh [__] dead card 13 gifted five memberships right off the bat. Cassie against the five memberships guys, we got competing Lords of the chat. That’s really cool energy. If you don’t know this guys, um,