It’s easy to take for granted the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives. We get preoccupied with other things like doing our homework or worrying about our next meal. But if you take a moment to look in the mirror, you can see that we are miraculous organisms. We are made of trillions of living cells and bacteria that somehow organize together to create us. How does that happen? How do we get intelligence, sensory perception, and pass on traits from one generation to another? How do cells replenish themselves? What happens when there are mistakes? How did life even emerge on this planet? Where do we get our energy from?

These are the questions that will be explored in this high school biology course. If you take the time to think about the wonder of life around us, it makes life a lot more interesting. Understanding how we fit in the universe will give you a little bit more wonder and a lot more understanding.