of the glass

The view out of the plane window is one of the most extraordinary sites that we can ever hope to lay our eyes on, and yet how easily bored of it we’ve become. Our forebearers would have been astonished and even frightened by our boredom; they wouldn’t have known how to stop staring. And yet, how quick we are to pull down the blind irritably so that we can more clearly follow the story on our screen of two people pretending to fall in love.

We spend far too long pressed dangerously close against our fears and regrets, but up here an adequate perspective can be restored. The mountains return to being the mole hills they perhaps have always been. It doesn’t matter so much who said what to whom at the office or mislaid the keys or started that song.

We should try not to pull that blind down again in such a hurry, and strive to pay a bit more attention to the philosophy of sagehood on offer on the other side of the glass.